ICT in Room 8

In Room 8 the children have been using the interactive whiteboard to help them  lead  class prayers.  They have learnt how to say the Sign of the Cross in different languages, chosen their own prayers, Bible readings and songs, and displayed this all on the whiteboard independently. Pupils have also learnt how to find images by using google search to portay their chosen Bible passage, and insert it into the active inspire programme.  It’s really tricky trying to flick between programmes, all the while showing words in Word, playing the music and working with active inspire!  It’s a rush in the mornings to see who of the leaders gets to work the pages, search the internet and  illustrate the first page of their prayers.  Teamwork has been fantastic and there has been lots of sharing of knowledge and skills to get this all done before the bell goes.

2012-05-24T14:41:31+00:00 24th May 2012|