Throughout the year our students complete five strands of learning in Religious Education. The following is the first strand to be covered this term.
Church Strand
These are our overall school wide objectives for this strand:
- That the Church is a community of disciples in communion with Christ
- The Church consists of all the baptised and its mission is to continue the work of Jesus
- The church as the family / whanau of Christ is called together to be a reconciling, worshipping, serving, celebrating community
These are then broken down into relevant learning intentions for each level. Below are a sample of the learning intentions to be covered at each level.
- Year One Lesson 5 We belong participate and celebrate in our Parish
WALT (we are learning to) : name our parish that we belong to and our priests’ names. WALT:explain simply what the word parish means.
- Year Two Lesson 4 Gods presence in our world
WALT:explain what we mean by the word church, and explain how the church is a sign of God’s presence in the world.
- Year Three Lesson 4 The Call of the Other Apostles
WALT: explain what is meant by the words apostle and disciple, and identify the qualities of the first disciples and apostles.
- Year Four Lesson The Church’s Mission of Service to the world
WALT: Name some agencies in the Church which serve the needs of others and local and international agencies that serve others. WALT: demonstrate a willing attitude to serve others.
- Year 5 and 6Lesson 7 Christ’s Saving Work
WALT: Identify Christ’s saving work during his life on earth and recognise that Jesus’ death and resurrection is the climax of his saving work.
For more information on the strand being taught please look in your Family – Whanau book. This book also gives you information on the other strands.
Please look at your child’s Religious Education Home Book and discuss with them their learning.
God Bless
Annette Woodhead