Cross Country News

This is what some of our students felt about the cross country yesterday.

Cross Country

Running through the mud my legs straining to rest, the first lap was forcing all my energy to finish, but I couldn’t. As the second lap arrived I could hear the crowd shouting “Ivan!” and I was proud and my energy burst wildly within me. The pain in my legs made me feel I couldn’t go any further, I looked behind me, seeing Brendan and Peter, my hear beated heavily like the sound of drums. As I could see the finish line, I knew I had to finish, so I ran like a cheetah removing my glasses. I finally finished.

By Ivan

Cross Country

Puffing and puffing, trotting along the epic cross country track with Terence right by my side, I was determined to sprint past him as I could see the finish line in the distance. My legs were shaking as if I had 1 coat of clothes on right next to Mt Ruapahu, I was gasping for air, building my confidence to go faster and try to get a good finish. Huffing along the very last bit of the track, it was the longest minute of my life. I knew Terence was slowing down. My face sprouted with happiness as I knew no one was going to pass me. As I passed the finish line, I collapsed with pain and happiness at the same time.

By Liam

Cross Country

As I was walking down to the starting line with wind blowing everywhere  my stomach had butterflies like elephants stomping around. I could hear the sound of people cheering. My heart was bouncing up and down like it would pop out. As I got ready I did the sign of the cross and said a prayer for good luck, them Miss Luxon said, “On your marks, get set, go.” I was off like a sail fish.

Flynn G-H

Cross country is really fun. I won the cross country and I am going to get a certificate. It was sunny when and I was happy when I came first. My sister came tenth and I was happy when I heard that. My mummy was happy too. At cross country it was really muddy.

By Vienna Barker Room 12

I was ready to stand up to last place.  I tried to zoom to first place but at the end it all went wrong.  My fans were very disappointed and the terror came to me. It felt like a thunder storm cooking inside of me.  I lost.  It was such a dark feeling, it was as dark as having no moon at night.  I told myself we can get them next time.  But I always know practice, practice, practice makes perfect.

By Luke McHale Room 6



2012-08-24T14:25:24+00:00 24th August 2012|