Religious Education Across the Curriculum

Conor Sheridan from Room 10 created this creation prayer. He linked his writing skills with his understanding of God’s creation. This is just one way teachers at our school integrate Religious Education with other learning subjects.

Creation Prayer

Creator God, we thank you for the world you have made for love of us.

Thank you for cuddly and fluffy cats.

Fast and wet rain.

Huge and curvy ears.

Furry and loud apes.

Smart and lovely teachers.

Small but sweet iguanas.

Slimy and huge octopus.

Nature sweet and beautiful.


Room 1 reflected on their learning of the Church Strand by writing reflective stories.

Art is another way in which the students can express themselves and their knowledge understanding in Religous Education. When you are passing have a look in our classrooms. Drama is another art form that is used extensively to share ideas, especially scripture stories.

These are just a couple of ways in which Religious Education can be incorporated into other areas of the curriculum.

2012-08-24T14:26:57+00:00 24th August 2012|