More GREAT Writing

Bert Bert was an old man, he had twinkling green eyes and a big smile. He had a brown walking stick. He lives with his fat ginger cat and he has a treasure chest. He shuffles along with his slipper. He has white hair which is spiky. I think he is a pirate.

By Jillian A  Room 10  Year 2

The Pirate I am a pirate princess and I am looking for pirate princess treasure. I am sailing and I hope I get all of the treasure and there is another pirate. I hope I find my prince and if I do find my prince I will marry him.

By Lucia O Room 14 Year 1


Mud I was proud of myself and I came 6th and I was thinking  that I would sink down in the mud and no-one would find me.

By Danny M Room 14 Year 1


Cross Country Race I felt fantastic and I was proud of myself. I smelt flowers and I saw people. I heard people screaming, Go!

By Maria G Room 14 Year 1

2012-09-06T14:34:10+00:00 6th September 2012|