Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints ~ All classes have started the last learning strand for the year.

Here is a  brief summary of the topic.
The topics in the Communion of Saints strand in the RE programme relate to life after death and
choices people make .  They also extend into the areas of grief
and loss and how to deal with this from a Christian perspective. 
Ideas to reflect on:
 How does what I believe about life after death affect the way I live my life?
 What are the priorities in my life and on what do I base the choices I make?
 How do I express Christian hope in everyday life?

As a Family:
 Take time to look at photographs of family-whanau members who have died and talk about life
after death
 Explain to children the importance of the gift of free will God has given them
 Discuss as a family what needs to be done before people make choices and use examples of ties
this has been done well and times bad choices have been made.

2012-11-04T15:15:42+00:00 4th November 2012|