Principal for a Day

What! A year 5 is your school Principal?

That might sound odd but that is what happened to Fergus Lee from Room 1, St Joseph’s Takapuna on Tuesday November 20.

Fergus’s family won a school auction allowing him to be a Principal for the day, and it was something he looked forward to for a long time.

He met with the existing Principal Ms O’ Connell Cooper to plan what he would do during that day.

The 1st thing he organised was a school mufti with money raised going to De Paul house.

Together, they decided to invite the Breakers and 2 ex Silver Ferns to attend an assembly and explain how they challenged themselves to be the best they can be, competitive in sport and who they are today.

During the morning he attended choir, staff prayers, Room 11 had Mr Lee participate in their class prayers and then he visited classes to see how children were progressing.

We asked Fergus what was the highlight of his day.” Visiting the classes was interesting and I really enjoyed working with children who found maths hard, and organising the Assembly. I realise the job isn’t as easy as I thought, and I found having to meet adults and discuss business arrangements quite awkward. It was a great experience and it feels funny being a student again!”


Reported by Lawrence, Jacob, Josh and Amro

Room 1 reporters





2012-11-30T07:58:37+00:00 30th November 2012|