At last night’s BOT meeting, our plan going forward for ICT, was presented. Within the next few months we will be developing a managed wireless network in preparation for the increase in devices that will be used by the children in their learning. As you will be aware, many schools now have the policy of BYOD -bring your own devices. Before this can happen, systems need to be robust and clear guidelines in place. This is the process that we have started and it will include parent information sessions next year. If you are considering “surprising” your child with a technological present for a special occasion, it is more than likely that, at school, we will be moving toward the use of I-Pads. This is not school is just a heads up!
Our results across the school for the children’s achievement in relation to National Standards were reported to the BOT at least night’s meeting: 93.9% of children achieving at or above in Reading; 80.3% at or above in Writing and 90.5% achieving at or above in Mathematics.
If children are not yet achieving at a given standard, the teaching is even more specifically focused to help them progress; children well below receive targeted
learning support on a regular basis.
The next two weeks are very full with various activities and events. Apologies if our communication around the Cultural Festival did not reach everyone. This is a whole school event and the date was posted out at the beginning of Term 3. Please ensure you take note of the dates and times and we will try not to spring any surprises on you.
Class allocations will be confirmed by the 19 December. The class compositions will be: 4 Years 0/1; 1 Year 1/2; 2 Year 2’s; 2 Year 3’s; 1 Year 3/4; 1 Year 4; 4 Years 5/6.
Congratulations to Ms Christine Hormann who has won a leadership position,as Head of Art, at Ponsonby Intermediate! One of her legacies to our school is the beautiful mural on the wall of the senior court and the art work on the planters. (see photo below)
Our wonderful PTFA members have been very faithful all year in the way they have supported the school. Funds raised have enabled us, among other things, to continue paying for the Interactive Whiteboards; assist with the purchase of Reading Books for Teams 1 & 2 ; and accumulate funds which will be able to be used to enable us to purchase up to date digital learning devices for use in teaching and learning. Their assistance with events, activities and fundraising is hugely valued. Remember to support the PTFA Christmas Disco for the children on December 18th!
Catholic Community Audit and Review: Thank you so much to all who responded to the survey. A wealth of material was provided and we appreciate the time and thought that went into your responses.
Parents: There was an overwhelmingly positive response from the parents in all areas, showing enthusiasm, commitment and understanding towards and of the Catholic Community aspects of St Joseph’s School.
The following exerts show the depth and commitment of all involved in our school. It is a celebration of what we are about and how it reinforces the partnership between home and school.
“I know my own boy has been a shy boy initially. He has grown in confidence- I can only assume this has arisen through an environment of respect where he has felt comfortable to speak in front of his peers without fear of being humiliated.”
“Teachers who have not taught my children still say hello as they know my face.”
“From the Principal, to the staff, to the office ladies, to Mr Kelly, everyone is always happy and friendly.”
“We like St Joe’s so much we’ve had some more kids just so we can do Christmas concerts for about 12 years non-stop!”
The cross section of students both culturally and from Years 4 – 6, easily identified the key initiatives that have been put in place to promote Catholic Community, e.g. School Charism, in particular the history of the school, Mercy Sisters and how we live and learn through the school values.
The following are a couple of comments from our students.
“‘You learn from your mistakes’ having a try and taking a risk is important. Take a leap of faith.”
“The values are important – “not just say them we need to do them in action”
Board of Trustees
The board acknowledges and confirms that the school is meeting its responsibilities under the Catholic Community Audit.
The teachers reinforced through examples that they are meeting the Special Character requirements associated with the Catholic Community expectations which includes the relationships between school and home.
The following have been identified as the strengths of the review
- The school environment is welcoming to all, parents, students and wider community
- Parents and students are able to identify what it is to be ‘Catholic’ in our school, this encompasses displays, invitation to prayer, our Mercy Charism and history
- The students understand the values of the school, and the parent community has a greater knowledge of this
- The implementation of BED and OAR alongside the values, and key competencies
The following areas are to be worked on:
- The communication between home and school in relation to the Religious Education books going home on a more regular basis ( e.g. whole school same day once a month)
- To inform parents that when students are taking part in the sacramental programme the ideas taught by the parish will be reinforced in the classrooms
- To inform parents and students what we are fund raising for through the Mission collections, and then how much has been raised
- Staff and students to continue to work on treating others with courtesy, care and co-operation and being role models to each other
In reference to the Catholic Community Audit of 2009 we are able to see that recommendations that were put in place then have had a favourable outcome:
- the understanding and commitment to our school values based on the Mercy values
- more people are aware of and can speak about the history of our school
- the Catholic symbols have been identified and made a feature of
- the school works closely with the parish in liturgy and the sacramental programme