Learning to Live and Learn at St Joseph's

For the students and staff members our Mercy Values form the basis of how we behave and  the choices we make. We are aiming to follow Jesus in the Mercy Way. The Mercy Sisters founded our school in 1893, 120 years ago. The charism, or gift, of the Mercy Sisters is the foundation for us and provides a framework for how our school operates.

Mercy Values

Tika – Justice       Pono – Truth             Aroha – Compassion                     Manaakitanga – Hospitality                    Tapu – Respect for our Environment

Our values are lived out or expressed in our school motto, which also has links to our patron, St Joseph, for whom our school is named.

Courtesy, Care, Co-operation & Courage 

The Key Competencies are also vital components of our learning and living.

Managing Self    Relating to Others     Participating and Contributing    Thinking    Using Language, Symbols  and Texts 

Each term we place emphasis on certain aspects of these competences:

Managing Self: set goals that will help us to be the best we can be; know when to lead, when to follow and when and how to act independently

Relating to Others: respect others’ differences;   treat others as we want to be treated;    be part of a digital community  (KnowledgeNet)

Participating & Contributing: make good choices:  do our bit for the good of the group

Thinking: know when to ask for help to achieve our goals; think before answering

Using language, symbols & text:  adapt to new ideas, technologies and situations;  start a conversation and provide feedback

Finally, when things go wrong, we adopt this approach (from our Health & PE Programme -KRIC  Kids Rich in Character):

Muck Up   Own Up  Put it Right  Move On

God Bless!  Have a great week. Remember that we have Meet the Teacher on Wednesday Night (see events or school links), School Mass at 9.15 on Friday 22nd  and Athletics on Monday 25th.


2013-02-17T09:19:19+00:00 17th February 2013|