Living and Learning at St Joseph's

At our school we really try to develop in the children the skills and abilities to take responsibility for their behaviour, attitudes and learning. This can start as soon as they start school. We use the following:

Use your OAR.  Don’t lie on your BED.

OAR  stands for:   Be accountable, responsible and take ownership for our actions.

BED stands for:  Blame, excuse, denial

This can be adapted depending on the age of the child, but applies as well to the adults in the school.

From our KRIC (Kids Rich in Character Health & PE programme) we also all use the following:

Muck Up /  Own Up /  Put it Right  /  Move on

Our aim, whatever we are involved in is to:

Be the Best we Can Be

We had a lovely celebration of Gabrielle Bateman’s 20 years at our school. No doubt there will be some photos appearing in our newspaper before long. Thank you to all the parents who supported the Meet the Teacher Evening. There was some feedback that people didn’t know it was on. It had been advertised on the term events, the week ahead and this newspaper. Unfortunately the last minute  reminder didn’t go out.

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing many of you at Athletics on Monday. The events will be run in 3 locations: bottom field, top court, top field and House age level teams will rotate from one to the other. Remember that children are to wear a T-shirt that matches their house colour: Pompallier Blue; McAuley Green; Alphonsus Yellow; Patuone Red.

God bless!


2013-02-22T15:19:52+00:00 22nd February 2013|