Week Four

It doesn’t take long before everything is back in full swing and our days are busy and exciting. Our Athletics Day on Monday was great fun and the children really participated well and were great sports, encouraging each other. Our school leaders were reliable and organised. Thank you to Mrs Cate Dunne and all the teachers for their part in making the day such a success. Thank you too to all those parents who came and helped or were part of the enthusiastic crowd. The parents’ race was very competitive!

Today the children in Rooms 12-15 went to Butterfly Creek so I’m sure there will be some tired little ones tonight and tomorrow.

Rooms 1-5 planned Beach Clean Up Trip to Muriwai has now been transferred to Long Bay because of the tragic death at Muriwai yesterday.

More new children came for their first visit on Wednesday and I have been meeting their parents during the week.

The first BOT meeting for the year is on tonight. There are a number of agenda items which include: the update of the school charter and strategic plan; the National Standards results from last year,  the analysis of variance in relation to school targets set for 2012; approval of the 2013 Budget; planning for the BOT Elections; the annual action and review plan for the BOT; future planning for E Learning; future planning for school property development.

Next week, the Years 4-6 children will be involved in a number of Education Activities Outside the Classroom including, WaterWise and  Snow Planet (Years 5 & 6), Team Building Games at School; Beach Ed; Pacific Art.

Remember important events coming up: Friends of St Joe’s Meet & Greet Wine & Cheese 7.30 Thursday 7 March;  BOT Election Information Evening 7.30 Monday 11 March; Parent Information Evening on Writing Thursday 14 March.  All meetings in the staffroom. Details on School Links.

Have a great weekend.

Ka kite ano

God bless!


2013-03-01T11:14:34+00:00 1st March 2013|