Athletics Day

February  25  was an enjoyable day for all, because  it was Athletics Day. The school was split into their house groups, boys and girls,  rotating around the school. The activities were High Jump,  Sprints 50 and 70 metres,  Shot Put,  Discus,  Javelin and Egg and Spoon race.  The top three children at each year level, for each event, will receive a certificate.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the events and thank you for all the support.

The results for the  50 metre Sprints

First Place

Boys                             Girls

Year 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Matti D                       Ruby B

Year 2

Jayden C                    Gabrielle D

Year 3

Noah J                          Olivia M

Year 4

Charlie D                   Darcy S

Year 5

Levi W                         Maddie M

Year 6

Ned B                            Robyn S


The results for 70 metre Sprints

First Place

Boys                        Girls

Year 1

Matti D                  Ruby B

Year 2

Jayden C               Gabrielle Doyle

Year 3

Keegan K                Olivia M

A Special Award for Courage was given to  Amarnie B because in the race she was winning and fell over, but she got up and kept trying and ended up coming 4th.

Year 4

Charlie D                 Darcy S

Year 5

Levi W                       Maddie M

Year 6

Ned B                         Robyn S


Olivia . G and Sam A the Year 6 reporters

We will be recognising the place-getters in all the other events on Monday morning after prayers.

Reporters  Sam A  and Lisa A Room 4

2013-03-04T12:27:50+00:00 4th March 2013|