Exciting Days at St Joseph's!

There is certainly always something of interest going on at school!  Thank you so much to all the parents who have already supported our Education Outside the Classroom Activities and to those who have volunteered for what’s still to come. Without such magnificent support we would just be unable to provide these different experiences for our young learners. Children from different classes have been or will be involved in Waterwise, Snow Planet (skiing), Butterfly Creek, Beach Education,  Rocky Shore and Pacific Art. Thank you to all who supported the Friends of St Joseph’s Wine and Cheese evening, last night,  which was a great success. Thank you to those who sent apologies.

I would like to acknowledge the generosity of Vanessa Bryce and Carl Franich who designed and  supplied our updated, modernised  and clear school signage using the expertise from their firms. Thank you so much!

Lent is going fast. Before we know it, it will be Easter. Some ideas below  which you and/or your family can try:

Lenten Focus – Environment
 Drink water as your only drink for a day. Put 10 cents into the mission box, in your child’s classroom, for every other drink you
 Find out where your water comes from and where your waste goes
 Plant a tree, a native plant, or a food bearing plant or herb. If there’s no space in your garden,
think who or where could use a plant?
 When making your lunch, use small, re -usable containers, rather than plastic wrap or bags which
get thrown out
 Look up when you are walking. Listen to the natural sounds. Donate any loose coins to the mission
box in your child’s classroom
 On a walk today pick up some litter and bin it.
 Pray for people who are suffering from storms, floods and other severe weather events in the
world today.

McAuley House Family Mass is in St Joseph’s Church at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 17 March, followed by a Parish welcome to families. The children of McAuley House will be reading the Readings and Prayers of the Faithful and taking part in the offertory procession. The school choir will be leading the singing. I encourage all families to attend regardless of which House your children belong to.  Children wear their Sunday clothes.

On Monday 11 March,  we have the BOT Election  information meeting in the staffroom at 7 pm. On 14 March, Thursday night, the Parent Information evening on Writing (in the staffroom) is at the following times: 6.30-7.00 Rooms 12-15; 7.00-7.30 Rooms 7-11; 7.30-8.00 Rooms 4-6.   You can come to 1,2 or all sessions.

Prayers are asked for a number of people in our school community who are ill at the moment. We pray for their full return to health. Mrs Michelle Glynn, Room 13, has had to take indefinite sick leave because of prolapsed discs in her vertebrae. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Congratulations to  Diana Luxon and Jimmy Pearson on the birth of their son Lockie George who was born on Tuesday!

Welcome to our world!

Have a wonderful weekend.  God bless!


Ka kite ano



2013-03-08T15:00:28+00:00 8th March 2013|