A Reflection for Busy Parents and Busy Children


If only I …
Lord, I think about today and I come to a number of conclusions.
If only:
 I had woken up and been a bit more positive.
 I had said “Yes” instead of “No”.
 I had listened more instead of talking too much.
 I had not put forward my opinion so strongly about a delicate matter.
 I had planned a bit of ‘me ‘time during the course of the day.
 I hadn’t been so bossy with those around me.
But, Lord, I am only a child and have been working hard at school.
Help me to cope with life at school.
It is cold and life is busy.
You know I get tired a lot  and can become easily distracted.
Lord I know you understand and you are there to help me.
 Our days can get busier and not slower
 Young children don’t always cope with the fast pace of life.
 They say or do unreasonable things when this happens.
 God offers them a balance in their busy lives.
 This balance is called: PRAYER
(From  GR8 Prayer Enterprises Pty. Ltd)

2013-06-07T15:24:01+00:00 7th June 2013|