We have a group of children who are our Enviro Ambassadors. They have been promoting putting our food waste in the worm bins to feed the worm farms. We have just carried out an audit and found that there is an amazing amount of food thrown into the rubbish bins each day. The photo below shows the Ambassadors sorting through the rubbish and the amount of food that was collected from the “rubbish” bins. The worm bins sit beside the rubbish bins.
Some classrooms have taken up a Kaitiaki (guardianship) role caring for a particular area of our school grounds. Have you noticed that the area in front of Mary’s grotto is looking very tidy. Room 6 are Kaitiaki of this area and are taking their role very seriously. They are sweeping the path in front of Mary regularly and it looks fantastic. Thank you Room 6.
Room 5 have taken up the Kaitiaki of the native garden in front of the school outside the offices. They have talked with Mr Kelly about the planting already there and their next step is to suggest some new plants for the area. They are also keeping this area clear of rubbish. Well done Room 5.
Here is Mr Kelly explaining aspects of one of the plants to the children.
Room 12 are kaitiaki of the garden area outside their classroom alongside the deck. They have talked about what they can do to keep this area rubbish free and also they have talked about how plants grow. They want to grow some lettuces, carrots, tomatoes and strawberries.