What is 21st century education?

In the words of Guy Claxton:
Education is a preparation for the future
For life, not just for university or work
–For all, not just for some
The future is complex, challenging and uncertain
–work, technology, globalisation, leisure…
Therefore, 21st century education should prepare all young people to deal well with uncertainty
–To be confident, capable and enthusiastic learners and explorers

A quote from Dr Simon Shum, Chair of Governors at Bushfield School in the UK

What’s at the heart of Bushfield School?
“It’s our job not just to help children master literacy and numeracy but to prepare them for a very turbulent and complex world. We are failing if we don’t prepare them with the skills they need to cope with uncertainty; to cope with differing perspectives; to cope with working with different kinds of people; to ask good questions. Our children are at a very crucial age. We need to get those skills right into the DNA of the way our children think and learn – before it’s too late.”


2013-06-21T09:24:17+00:00 21st June 2013|