One of the ways we celebrate the ARTS here at St Joseph’s is through our whole school production. This year it is a musical based on some of the antics of Maui. Every child in the school will have the opportunity to be involved in some way. A school production gives every child a chance to shine because every performer is important and if they give of their best and are wholeheartedly involved, they will remember the experience for a long time.
The concept for learning for Term 3 is PERFORMANCE. Everyone in the school will be learning about the stories of Maui; many will be learning about the marae and Maori protocol; everyone will be learning about the elements of successful stage performance; everyone will also be looking at other aspects of performance e.g. in learning, in sport; and each class will focus on some special part or parts of the themes in the show.
The Arts enable children to express themselves in creative ways and to share their talents. Learning through the ARTS stimulates creativity, and helps the children develop and use their thinking, imagination, senses and feelings. Artistic expression connects with the individual, the group, the community and culture. With this musical we are also “embracing toi Maori..valuing Maori performing, musical and visual arts”.
In order to perform to a high standard there are many aspects of the Key Competencies that children will be working on, e.g. managing themselves: – self-control, overcoming nerves, learning new skills and practising till “perfect”; perseverance, being reliable, developing resilience; relating to others:- co-operation, working in a group or team; listening; encouraging others, generosity, awareness of audience; courtesy to other cast members and to the audience; thinking:- anticipating, developing ideas, making sense of information, making decisions, applying new knowledge; using language, symbols and texts:- communication, responding to the story, singing, interpretive dance, understanding the messages in the spoken and written words and in the actions, listening to, reading and understanding the stories and key ideas. financial literacy, measuring time, distance, planning dances, artworks, articles, creative writing, using technology to enhance communication or for effect; participating and contributing:- being actively involved, celebrating the arts with our school community, developing a sense of belonging, having and fulfilling roles and responsibilities.
From parents, we ask you to support and encourage your child in whatever role he or she has, remembering, that while we aim to produce a “mighty fine show” and that we will expect each child to give of their best, we are a primary school, not a professional theatre company, and that our biggest aim is that the CHILDREN PARTICIPATE AND ENJOY THEMSELVES!!
- Characters in Costume
- We are performers
- How about this?
- Listeners
- The Choir
- Carl and Suzanne Prentice
- Carl doing his solo at the Bruce Mason theatre
- Using experts
- Sharing ideas
- Let’s act