Over the next four to five weeks the children will be participating in various learning experiences based around the Church Strand.
Global Achievement Objectives for St. Joseph’s School (L1-4)
Church Strand
- That the Church is a community of disciples in communion with Christ
- The Church consists of all the baptised and its mission is to continue the work of Jesus.
- The church as the family / whanau of Christ is called together to be a reconciling, worshipping, serving, celebrating community
- The importance of Te Wa – the journey or pilgrimage of life in the whanau/family and Church
You will find more information on this strand in the Family / Whanau book. Reminder you purchased these when your children were in year one.
Please also keep a look out for opportunities to engage with your children’s learning, through their home learning journals, knowledge.net, coming in and sharing prayer, and general discussion on their learning in religious education.