Sacrament Strand

The Sacrament Strand in Religious Education has been the focus in the second half of Term 3. To reinforce the learning that takes place at school, it really helps when the whole family is involved in living out their faith in practice e.g.  praying together as a family, sharing Bible stories, coming to Mass together on Sundays, helping others in the family or neighbourhood, celebrating Baptisms and Weddings.
In their study of Sacrament children learned, at their own level of understanding,  that:
 The Sacraments of the Church are the unique presence of Christ to whom we respond with faith and love
 The Sacraments nourish, strengthen and express our Catholic faith and restore holiness – tapu, by the gift of grace
 The celebrations of the seven Sacraments are expressed in ritual, symbol, rite and story
 People’s own tapu-sacredness deepens their relationship with God
 The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Christ’s presence in the Church and the world.

2013-09-30T15:05:41+00:00 30th September 2013|