Week Two – Term Four

Years 4-6 have their last day of swimming today and there has been some great learning taking place. Now, would be a golden opportunity to enrol your child for further lessons, particularly if they are just gaining more confidence and developing their skills.

http://swim.school.nz/   Hilton Brown      http://www.mish.org.nz/swim-school/   Millenium

Catholic Character Review

The Review team were very impressed with our  school : our parents, children, teachers and support staff, leadership team, Board of Trustees and Friends of St Joe’s, our parish and priests…in fact the whole package!  Their focus was in 3 main areas: Catholic Community, Pastoral Care and Religious Education. Their impression was that what we say we do,  is in fact lived out in day to day to realities by all in our school community. They were very impressed with the quality of planning and teaching in Religious Education. Thank you to all who contributed in so many different ways by responding to surveys, volunteering to be interviewed, supporting what the children and teachers are doing and especially for  producing such amazing children! The written report will be published for all to read once it has been received.  I am very proud of what we do here at St Joseph’s and it it is very encouraging to be provided with feedback from outside reviewers who go through everything with a fine tooth-comb  and do not accept things on face value.



Have an enjoyable Labour Weekend!

2013-10-25T11:31:25+00:00 25th October 2013|