Week Three

At today’s Netball Prizegiving, organised by Hayley Mahuru, Tania Dalton spoke to the players, encouraging them to always give of their best, to enjoy the wins and cope with the losses and to always be ready to try again, even when setbacks occur and not to be put off by failure. Leah Sinton thanked the coaches and managers and had a special thank you for Helen Doyle whose contribution to our school netball programme over the years has been invaluable, presenting her with flowers. Our teams were very successful this year both in competition and attitude. 

Gymnastics has started for many of the children and those in Rooms 1-6 will also be having a session at the North Shore Events Centre next week. 

Thank you to the 113 respondents to our Digital Devices Survey . If you wish to respond the survey is still live.  It has been helpful to us so far. Some of the teachers will be giving a short talk to the BOT at the meeting on 28 November on the use of digital devices in learning and how they  see Bring Your Own Devices could be implemented.

The BOT and Senior Leadership Team held a Strategic Planning Meeting last evening, reviewing what has occurred over this year and planning for the future. The planned change to our school buildings is going to a significant development and will have a positive impact on teaching and learning in the years to come. 

Next week will be exciting with the Book Fair, Book Character Day on Tuesday (Parade first thing Tuesday morning) and authors coming to visit. 

2013-11-01T17:17:19+00:00 1st November 2013|