Week Six

What a beautiful sunny day and how lovely to see the children in their colourful mufti! Thank you so much for the incredible support: and  $600 was raised for needy families in our community. A further $125.00 was raised in the class Mission Collections and this will be added to the money going to the Philippines via Caritas.

The week started with Prayer on Monday and the Year 6 Leaders encouraged us to focus on Integrity. We welcomed our latest new entrants whose photos should be appearing soon in the school newspaper.Two of our senior classes have been to Water Wise, with the others hoping for a spare day on which the weather conditions are just right.

Friends of St Joe’s met on Monday night to finalise organisation for the Family Picnic…this Sunday on the bottom field, from 4-6, reflect on the past year’s activities and start the planning for 2014. Over $25,000 has been raised this year and with other accumulated funds, will be used to purchase I Pads for use throughout the school.

One of North Harbour Rugby Union volunteers in junior rugby is a nominee for the 2013 NZRU Volunteer of the Year. As part of the NZRU Rugby Awards, SkyTV were taking some footage of one of their volunteers, Marty Martinengo.  He is the Junior Rugby Sportsmanship Convenor for North Harbour and observes junior teams for sportsmanship throughout the rugby season culminating in the annual junior rugby sportsmanship awards.(By the way, one of our students, Flynn Johnston, was in the team that won the top award this season!) This is a role Marty has done since 1989 and he is stepping down from the role after 25 years. Two teams of Years 5 & 6 Players played Rippa Rugby today as part of the filming. Should be on Sky Sport 1 on the 5 December.

Playing for TV Mrty Marteningo giving feedback Red Versus Blue


Most of our Year 3 students received the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) for the first time on Wednesday night. It was a lovely ceremony capped off by great singing of “Be the Change” at the end. Our thanks and congratulations to Oliver Cafe, Annette and all the team.

Have a lovely weekend! Remember to support one or all of these three:  Parish Working Bee on Saturday morning;  Garage Sale and Car Wash on Sunday 11-3.00 (raising money for the Philippines)  and the School Family Picnic 4-6 on Sunday afternoon. Parking may be at a premium so think about Fred Thomas Drive, Medical Centre Parking, Dominion Street, and Rosmini as options. (Maybe “drive in and drop off” if needed)


2013-11-22T14:28:11+00:00 22nd November 2013|