Cake and Cookie Stall by Amanda Yap


On Friday 29th November we had a cake and cookie stall. Some of the treats we had were toffee apples, brownies, cookies and sherbet. We also had some games and they were Can throwing, Mystery bear and how many jellybeans in a jar? Earlier in the week we planned the cake and cookie stall. The people who started the cake and cookie stall were Darcy, Tashya , Kelly, Julia and Genivieve. We got to choose a job and I chose crowd control. Some of the other jobs were selling treats and organizing games. When it was time for the cake and cookie stall it was CRAZY! The experience I had being crowd control was insane. We had to make sure that when it was the seniors turn there would be no juniors left. In the end we raised $635.50. People were happy, surprised and proud because we raised that much money. All of the money got sent to Caritas for them to give to the Philippines.




By Amanda Yap

Room 6

2013-12-05T11:17:21+00:00 5th December 2013|