Week 8

School Prayer this week, led by our Year 6 Leaders, focussed on faith. It did remind me what an important word this is in our lives on both the human and spiritual levels. Believing in ourselves, in each other and in God is definitely a very good platform on which to base our lives!  Hearing the Good News -whether it is about ourselves, other people in our family and school, or about God  and experiencing the reality of these beliefs could surely lead to deepening faith. We also were reminded that Advent-our time of preparation and waiting-has started and the first candle on the Advent Wreath was lit.


 Thank you again to all the parents who came along to the conferences, supporting your child and their teacher. I hope that you were fully informed and the learning that has take place has been celebrated.

The Year 2 children had some fun when they brought their teddy bears along for a teddy bears’ picnic. I don’t think any of the bears got up to mischief!

Today there is great excitement around the school as Sebastian Pietersen takes the reigns as Principal for the Day and the ‘real Principal’ takes on the role of a student! There have been some very puzzled faces on some of the younger children, not quite sure what to make of the change! One questions was “Where did you find such an humongous uniform?”   Mmmmm.  I am sure there will be some photos circulating. There are also many and varied crazy hats and thank you once again for your generosity towards supporting people in the Philippines.

Hat day 002 Hat day 003 Hat day 008 Hat day 018 Hat day 022 tabloid sports 005 tabloid sports 011 tabloid sports 022 tabloid sports 025

Have a lovely weekend.

2013-12-06T17:59:18+00:00 6th December 2013|