Week Nine

At this time of the year I often think about how the season of Advent is supposed to be a quiet, reflective time in preparation for Christmas, whereas it is often a frantic and busy time when our hearts and minds are focussed on what has to be done before Christmas instead. Anyway, I hope that at least some time is spent in quiet, peace and hope,even if it has to wait until everyone is sound asleep and you are the only one left awake!

On Monday some  resources, books and equipment were delivered to Holy Cross School in Papatoetoe. Their school community is sending a container load to Tonga where one of their Catholic High Schools was burnt to the ground.

This week, the Year 6 members of our school choir sang Christmas Carols at both the Hospice and for the Stroke Club. Their voices are just so beautiful and their generosity in giving of their time and talents was impressive. They  have given a lot of pleasure to a  number of people.

Team Two-Rooms 7-11- had a lovely picnic at Lake Pupuke and were joined by plenty of parents. The weather was perfect and everyone had an enjoyable time. I heard the comment “We should do this more often” from quite a few people!

Wednesday saw the second visit  of new entrants for next year, accompanied by their parents. As we prepare to welcome new children and their families, we are getting ready to farewell our lovely Year 6 students as they finish their time at St Joseph’s.

To cap off a fun-filled week, we had the Rooms 12-15 (Year 0/1’s) Christmas Show today. Now, this was a time to just relax, enjoy and even shed a tear or two! Those lovely little children singing their hearts out, remembering their lines and actions, interspersed with a wave to Mum and Dad, a big yawn and a beautiful smile, has to be the best entertainment in the world.

Many of you will have noticed the new basketball hoops that have been installed in the hall. They are there because of the generosity of Liz and Paul Blackwell who donated funds which made it possible for us to upgrade this equipment for all the children to use.

Thank you to all our parents for the way you have supported us throughout the year with your prayers, encouragement and ideas; as parent helpers in and out of school; as coaches and managers of sports teams; as BOT and Friends of St Joe’s members; as Parent Class Reps; most importantly by the way you have supported your children in their learning and behaviour, in celebrating with them their successes and walking alongside them in their disappointments and mistakes.

2013 has been another great year at our extra special school, which has been described in the External Special Catholic Character Report as “a friendly, welcoming, co-operative learning environment where the dignity of each person is respected”. That is what we all aim for and when we “muck up” we have to own up and make it right. Thank you to all our teachers, support and office staff for the dedication and effort you put in for the sake of the children. Thank you to the children who really make us so proud. Every bit of learning counts. Every effort made is important. A strong feature of the way our children act towards each other is the way they really do show compassion and care. “A strong relationship between older and younger children was evident in the way children related to each other in the playground and with the Reading Buddies programme where older children spend time reading with a younger child each day”. (Catholic Character Report)

Thank you to teachers and support staff who finish their contract with us at the end of this year – Cindy Bosman who has been teacher aiding here for several years and has contributed so much to providing support for learners and teacher; Bernie Mahoney for her work with Years 5 & 6, for her generous attitude and contribution to school events and activities and for taking on the responsibility for Sport; Angela Beagley who also taught Years 5 & 6 and shared her creative talents with us; to Jackie Frank who worked so well with the Team of Three teaching the Year Threes, who have benefited this year from her gifts and talents.

Thank you to Fathers Phil and Carlos who are great supporters of our children, teachers and parents. They are extremely busy but still manage to find time to spend with us which is very much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend. I hope the children have a good rest as they are showing signs of tiredness and just need enough energy for the last lap!

God bless!


Focus tabletennis 008 Hat day 018 Cake and Cookie Stall tabletennis 009 Hat day 022 Hat day 008

A great compere.

A great compere.

cross country 068 Musical SAM_1339




2013-12-13T16:32:23+00:00 13th December 2013|