Week Ten

Well here we are at the end of the 2013 school year! It seems hard to believe and even the children think the year has gone quickly.

On Monday night we celebrated the Graduation of our Year 6 students. Their teachers, parents and I are very proud of what they have achieved, how they have grown in confidence, worked hard in their learning and the way they have developed their leadership skills.

Sam Aschebrock and Ned Barry very ably represented the Year 6’s when they spoke about their St Joseph’s  experiences to the assembled crowd. Sue Morris from CrackerJack Kids, who had worked with the students during their Leadership Day in February, returned as the guest speaker. She challenged us to reach for the heights, striving to make a difference. Each student received a graduation certificate and a 2013 St Joseph’s School medal.

We wish all our Year 6 students all the very best for the future and say thank you and farewell to many, whose last child finishes this year: the Lee, Doria, Aschebrock,  Duran, Parlane, Retgien, Rassam, Alhambra, Miguel, Alias, Barry, Capati, Dsouza, Galligan, Guevara, Larsen, Lim, Lord, P{ereira, Sarmad Matty, Tully, Tipace, Ursua III and Zaki-Sholji families. Some of you have had many years associated with our school but you are all, old and new,  very much part of what has made our school what it is today.

On Wednesday morning, our end of year Mass was celebrated by Father Phil and the whole school community, joined by Neil, Von and Margaret from the Catholic Schools Office.  At the end of Mass, Sam and Ned spoke again, followed by Mr Shane Coleman, our BOT Chair. The Edmonds Cup was presented by Katie Macnaught, last year’s winner to Caitlin Blewden, and the Year 6 students commissioned the Year 5 students to take on the role of leadership for 2014. The children sang their hearts out and the Mass was a joyful and special celebration of thanksgiving.


Later that morning the Awards Assembly was held in the school hall.

At our Awards assembly we recognise some of the important achievements by students in our school. Throughout the year, we celebrate achievement, but at this Assembly we acknowledge those who have either made an outstanding contribution to their class and our school or who have made outstanding improvement in their learning or have achieved very highly academically.
Every year we give four supreme awards to students from Year 6 to recognise outstanding effort and achievement in Sports, the Arts, Academic  and in School Spirit. This year we  also presented Certificates of Excellence to some Year 6 students who have stood out in particular aspects of their learning, attitude or involvement.

Certificates of Excellence in Sport

Duke Larsen, Jackson Schofield, Dylan Thompson, Caitlin Blewden, Anna Sluyter, Ned Barry, Milly Taylor, Sam Aschebrock, Luke Simpson

Supreme Sports Award:  Robyn Spark

Certificates of Excellence in Visual Art 

Adam Rassam, Madison Carkeek,  Xin Ping Lau, Talitha Pereira

Certificates of Excellence in Performing Arts

Grace Sheridan, Duke Larsen, Olivia Gordon

Certificates of Excellence in Singing 

Paul Duran, Jana Vicente, Leah Sinton, Talitha Pereira, Angelique Delport, Alessandro Quizon, Ella Paloso, Nicole Lay

The supreme Arts award: Caitlin Blewden and Ned Barry

Certificate of Excellence in Information Technology  Sam Linstrom

Certificate in Excellence in Public Speaking to: Sam Aschebrock

Certificate of Excellence in Maths:

Adam Rassam, Saad Sarmad Matty, Anna Sluyter, Xin Ping Lau

Certificate of Excellence in Literacy  Grace Sheridan

Supreme Academic award:  Ned Barry and Caitlin Blewden

Each class also had awards for Significant Improvement, Academic Achievement and School Spirit.

 Last night our BOT met for the last time this year. At this meeting, the achievement results for all children in Reading, Mathematics and Writing. You will be delighted to know that overall our students, your children, are achieving highly and those who still have challenges in their learning are fully supported to make as much progress as possible.

2013 December National Stds Reporting to BOT x2

Wishing all our families a happy and holy Christmas,  a wonderful New Year and a relaxing summer holiday! I look forward to welcoming everyone back again safe and sound, ready for another year of learning,  on the 3rd February 2014. Ours school concept will be ATTITUDE and our focus will be on Learning to Learn  #L2L !


McAuley House Cup Supreme Academic Supreme arts Supreme Sports Edmonds Cup

Excellence in Sport Excellence Mathematics, Excellence Literacy, Academic award Excellence performing arts Excellence Public Speaking, Excellence IT Excellence Singing Excellence visual arts

Academic Most improved School Spirit

National anthem 2 National Anthem1

2013-12-20T12:15:54+00:00 20th December 2013|