Week One Term One 2014

Kia ora tatou!

It is surprising how quickly everyone got back into the swing of things, starting with a great attitude, ready to learn. We must all have had a great holiday!

Teachers had been working in the weeks prior to school starting, planning for the term, and obviously, in more detail for Week One.  The room environments into which your children came were inviting, welcoming  and stimulating.

Year 5 students have already had a half day of theory learning about Water wise and a full day’s practical at the Millennium. After Camp all the Years 5 & 6 students will go on the Waterwise  programme at Murray’s Bay.

A special, simple ceremony was held on Wednesday, prior to Waitangi Day, to mark this special occasion for all New Zealanders. See the photos in the News section.

Our school is divided up into 5 teams, this year:  Kakariki – Rooms 1, 2, 3; Kereru – Rooms 4, 5, 6; Kakapo – Rooms 7,8,11; Kea – Rooms 9, 12, 13; Kiwi – Rooms 14,15 (and R 11 T3 & 4). This is to enable teachers to work even more collaboratively, providing support for each other, sharing expertise, and together, ensuring that the the children – learners ako, get the very best deal. Children will have the opportunity to mix with others in their team, in a variety of ways.

This year, instead of Meet the Teacher, we are having “Getting to Know You”  Family/Teacher evenings, where the emphasis will be on getting to know each other, parents, teachers and children. The first of these will be an evening picnic for the Kea and Kiwi Teams, this Wednesday evening. I look forward to seeing as many as possible come along.  NO babysitters required!

Notices have already gone out about Miniball and Soccer. If you haven’t seen or heard about this, see Hayley Mahuru (Sports Co-coordinator) or Julie in the School Office.

Choir starts this Tuesday at 8.15 in Room 11. Already we have 60 keen singers signed up ready to go.

Years 5 & 6 students go on Camp from the 17th -19th February. Our first school Mass for the year is on Friday 21 February at 9.15. All welcome.

Whole school Monday morning Prayers, led by Year 6 students, begin tomorrow at 8.50. We will welcome all newcomers after prayer. All welcome.

Ka kite ano


Room 13 All  Stars

Room 13 Stars P1010022 P1010024 P1010025 P1010026 P1010027 P1010028 P1010029 P1010030 P1010032 P1010033 P1010034 P1010035 P1010036 P1010037 P1010038 P1010039 P1010040 P1010041 P1010042 P1010043

2014-02-09T13:54:31+00:00 9th February 2014|