Weeks Four and Five Term One

I was behind the eight ball last week, so this week here is a double dose on what’s been happening here at St Joseph’s!

On the 27 February the Principals of the Catholic Primary Schools on the Shore, as well as Carmel College, met here at St Joseph’s. The group meets regularly for professional learning and also to ensure that we collaborate and have improved communication between our schools and ideally between our primary and secondary schools. It is an opportunity to share ideas and good practice.

Our first BOT meeting for the year was held on Thursday 27 February. Shane Coleman was re-elected as Chairperson. For the rest of the BOT members, go to the BOT Section on the website for their names and photos. Achievement results that were presented at this meeting and have been sent to the Ministry of Education included detail regarding all students, male, female, Maori, Pacific, Asian, European/Pakeha and the different year levels in mathematics, reading and writing, accompanied by analysis of the results. Targets for this year have been developed. We always focus on learners who need additional support and also learners who are achieving but could be extended to achieve at a higher level.

A summary of the results for all students are are follows:

Reading:  Achieving  At or Above  94.2%

Writing:   Achieving At or Above  81.2%

Mathematics:  Achieving at or Above 89.1%

An interesting trend over the years, is that by Year 6, children’s final year at Primary, the achievement results of our children are high, as demonstrated by last year’s Year 6:

Reading:  Achieving  At or Above  100%

Writing:   Achieving At or Above  96%

Mathematics:  Achieving at or Above 96%

Teachers really monitor the children’s learning carefully and when difficulties arise, analyse what is happening, get advice from colleagues, put in place an action plan, keep the parents informed  and while sometimes, the progress may be slow, the teacher ensures that the children continue learning and progressing.

Anyone who wants to look at the results in greater detail is welcome to. Just get in touch with me:  principal@sj.school.nz  The results for specific children are not disclosed to anyone other than their parents. At our consultation meetings with various groups we also share detail that is relevant to them.

Plans for the building programme are progressing with Resource Consent having been granted. The application for Building Consent should be submitted in April. We will keep you informed as soon as we have specific information from the architect and the Catholic Schools property Office. If you haven’t seen the concept plans, they are displayed in the staff room-just ask a staff member if you want to have a look.

The Education Review Office (ERO) will have a team in the school from the 24-27 March. It is 5 years since we have had an external review and the team will audit and review all the compliance areas related to curriculum, personnel, property, finance & assets, health & safety, legal responsibilities but more significantly and especially, they will want to find out how effectively our school’s teaching and learning promotes student learning-engagement, progress and achievement.

In the Sports section you can read about the wonderful results from our 2 soccer teams which played in an inter school tournament on the 5 March.

Remember, Athletics is on Tuesday 11 at Onewa. Plenty of information has been sent out. If you are still in the dark, contact your child’s teacher urgently, please.

Ash Wednesday was marked by a simple Liturgy for the whole school at which the ashes were distributed. Possibly the evidence was still there after school!

In the last 2 weeks, our next group of new entrants and their children have been visiting school. They will all start on Monday 10 and will be welcomed at Morning prayer on that day. Hopefully, the photos of all those who have started so far this year, will appear on this newsletter very soon!

Last night, parents and families from Kereru Team (Rooms 4,5, & 6) and Kakariki Team (Rooms 1,2, & 3) joined the teachers for a Sunset Supper, otherwise known as a picnic. It was a good opportunity for parents and teachers to mix and mingle and for the children to have a great play! Thank you to all who came and if you couldn’t make it, then maybe next time. We have a great school community but to make it even better, we need to have everyone involved, as far as possible!

Patuone House Family Mass is at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 16th March. If you are unsure which house your child is in, you will certainly know on Athletics Day. However, ask the teacher or office if you need to. All welcome.

Everyone should have received a request via School Links, from the BOT to complete a survey on Pastoral Care and Well-Being on Survey Monkey. I assure you, it is not time consuming and would be helpful to the BOT as we complete our internal/audit review on this aspect of our school’s life.

Have a great weekend. God bless!

Ka kite ano!




2014-03-07T11:57:17+00:00 7th March 2014|