Week Ten Whizzes by!

Whew! What a week!

Before the week  even started, we celebrated the wedding of Meidy Iskandar to Paul Lambert at St Mary’s Church Northcote, on Saturday the 5 April. What a beautiful bride! Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lambert!

 Mr and Mrs Lambert

Monday saw the arrival of newly married Mrs Lambert  back to school. Prayers focused on Caritas and the Solomon Islands started our week and this was ably led by 3 Year 6 students.

On Tuesday we celebrated the contribution that Mrs Monica Hamilton has made to our school and thanked and farewelled her at a special Assembly. She will be at school until Thursday before shifting to Tauranga to start her retirement!

SAM_3500 Monica's Farewell SAM_3514 SAM_3521 SAM_3535 SAM_3528


On Wednesday, we were delighted with the outstanding response to both Kakariki Team’s (Rooms 1,2 & 3) Sharing the Learning from 7.30 a.m. till 9.30 and Kakapo Team (Rooms 7, 8 and 10) from 8.50 till  about 10.30. Teachers and children were thrilled and parents I spoke to seemed to find the experience enlightening and worthwhile. That morning, we also had the new entrants for the beginning of next term, come, with their parents, for their first pre-entry visit. All very exciting! In the meantime, that afternoon, Simon O’Neill, Grace and Tom’s dad, sneaked in to school wearing his opera (penguin) suit and spent time with the children in Rooms 12 & 13 telling them great stories about being an opera singer, interspersed with some singing. The children are now experts in bowing and curtsying and really do know that chocolate is a  favourite food for Simon wherever he travels around the world! That evening the children preparing for First Communion and Confirmation had their last class.

On Thursday, Kereru Team (Rooms 4,5, & 6) held an open day from 8 until 4, for sharing their learning, and again, this was so well supported by the parents and grandparents, who liked the flexibility of being able to come at a time that suited, Finally, Kiwi and Kea Teams, Rooms 9, 12, 13, 14 & 15) held their sharing the learning from about 1.30 to 3.00 that afternoon, and there was standing room only! On that same day, 33 children from Years 4-6  competed in the Pupuke Cluster Swimming Sports. They were well supported and helped by a group of about 11 parents (see photos in the Sports Section).

On both Wednesday and Thursday evenings I had the privilege of meeting up with the parents of the seven new entrants who are due to start at the beginning of next term.

During Holy Week, the children will be learning about the  main events in Jesus life, that occurred during this holy time. A Holy Week Liturgy will be held in the Hall at 1.45, after which children may go home.

On Good Friday at 10 a.m. in St Joseph’s Church, the dramatised version of the Stations of the Cross will be held and many of our children are involved.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ka kite ano


 More glamorous than Kate!





2014-04-11T12:18:25+00:00 11th April 2014|