$2000.00 for CARITAS

Last term we raised a total of $2000.00 for CARITAS New Zealand.

This is an outstanding effort St Joseph’s. It will go towards improving the lives of people in the Solomon Islands.

The ‘Pacifica” themed mufti day brought in $1300.00, our Go Green for CARITAS day raised $375.00 with the remaining $325.00  coming from the weekly class collections.

Thank you to all the children who did something extra for someone, e.g. unpacking the dishwasher without being asked, making your bed, helping with a younger sibling, giving the money to CARITAS rather than having a special treat.

Thank you also to all the families that gave a little extra over the Lenten period.solomon mufti gp



2014-05-16T11:35:41+00:00 16th May 2014|