Holy Spirit Strand

In our school at the moment we are concentrating on the Holy Spirit Strand.

Global Achievement Objectives for St. Josephs School Holy Spirit  Strand

  • That the Holy Spirit enables them to grow in tapu and mana – holiness, through the gifts of grace, understanding and wisdom.
  • Bringing truth and justice into people’s lives, uniting them with Jesus and continuing his work.

The following gives you a brief outline of the focus in each year level.


Year One

The Holy Spirit is God – the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.  We use symbols like fire and wind for the action of the power or Mana of the Holy Spirit and we can see the signs of the Holy Spirit – Te Wairua Tapu, at work in people’s lives.    

Year 2

We can respond to the Holy Spirit at work in our lives in many ways.  Two important ways the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church, the people of God – Te Whanau a Te Atua, is through prayer and the Eucharist.     

Year 3

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are traditionally listed as: love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  It is God’s love at work through the Holy Spirit which enables people to exercise their mana and bear these fruits.  It is again the Holy Spirit who helps us to recognise when we have violated tapu and sinned and to forgive and be forgiven.    

Year 4

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed the Trinity and the Church and enables people to live like Jesus and to know the Father.  Through the Holy Spirit Jesus fulfilled his promise to be with his followers, through Church, Word and Sacrament.     

Year 5 /6

We gain a greater appreciation of the role of the Holy Spirit through a knowledge and understanding of the titles and symbols for the Spirit found in Scripture and the Tradition of the church.

 More information can be found on pages 18 – year 1, 21 – year 2, 24 – year 3,  27 – year 4,  30 – year 5/6 of the Family-Whaunau Book.  You can also ask your teacher for more information, check out your child’s classroom and their Religious Education Book.

2014-05-16T11:39:44+00:00 16th May 2014|