Week Six Term Two

On Monday morning, our Year Six Leaders helped us reflect on the feast of Pentecost and on the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

We welcomed our latest group of New Entrants and their photos will appear in the newspaper shortly!

Friends of St Joe’s met on Monday evening with the main business of the meeting relating to organisation of the quiz. It should be a great night!

What a storm on Tuesday night! Between that, the power cuts and because of faulty smoke alarms being set off,   an early evacuation at school accompanied by the arrival of a fire engine, all combined to create great ideas and motivation for writing on Wednesday!

On Thursday evening Christine Thomson and I attended the inaugural meeting of Kidslink at Pinehurst School. Kidslink is on our website and it is a useful website to go to if you have any worries about your child, because there are many providers of various types who are on the North  Shore all easily sourced on one site. We also listened to several speakers on anxiety in children and the different therapies that are available for them.  www.kidslink.co.nz

On Thursday and Friday four students from Carmel spent the day in the junior classrooms as part of their work experience. Hopefully it motivated them to seriously consider teaching as a career.

Some of you may have seen the news item on TV One about a new school in Pegasus near Christchurch .  http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/pegasus-bay-school-opens-in-christchurch-6001107   If this doesn’t work go to TV One on demand; News 12 June and search Pegasus School!

You may find this of interest. There are similarities between what is happening there to what will be happening at St Joseph’s within the next year.

We farewelled Jessica Burton today as she goes on maternity leave. Kereru Team members acknowledged her at Assembly and a surprise baby shower was organised by the parents. We wish Jess all the best for a safe and healthy delivery and pray for her and her little one that all will be well.

Teachers have been very busy writing reports and are continuing to do last minute checking and proof reading. We look forward to seeing you all when you attend the parent/teacher/student conferences next week and the week after.

Have a lovely weekend. Remember Alphonsus House Family Mass at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday!

Nga mihi










2014-07-24T09:41:28+00:00 13th June 2014|