Week 6 Term 4

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The best incentive for sharing the Gospel comes from contemplating it with love, lingering over its pages and reading it with the heart. If we approach it in this way, its beauty will amaze and constantly excite us #264

Pat Lythe
Leader, Parish and Pastoral Services Group

Auckland Catholic Diocese

Thank you for the wonderful turn out for Pompallier House Family Mass on Sunday. I thought the readers of the first Reading, Gospel and Prayers of the Faithful did very well. The choir sang their hearts out with Shewon and Luke accompanying them superbly.



The Building Programme

Wow! What progress has been made this week with the floor in place for the first floor. Cranes and trucks and diggers and concrete trucks have abounded and there have been many curious children keeping an eye on proceedings.

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Our last new entrants for 2014 started school last Monday, taking our roll to 402.

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52 children from Years 3-6 in our Kapa Haka Group have been busy practising ready to perform at The Onepoto Cultural Festival on Friday 21st. Thank you to Hone Harrison, the Te Reo Language Assistant, and Mrs Kathryn France for their work with the children.

 A wonderful celebration of sport was held yesterday organised by Hayley Mahuru assisted by some of our parents. Well done to teams, coaches and managers!


Teachers have been very busy completing final assessments and preparing reports for each child. A reminder that parent teacher conferences are on 25 November and 2 December and if you haven’t booked in, you need to go on to School Links and do so. Parents who have recently had conferences with their child’s teacher, do not need to book in.


While we have started work on class placements for next year, the process is far from complete and it is likely that we will notify you in January, not at the end of the year. Please do not request particular placements for your child (children). Trust that teachers spend considerable time ensuring that a balanced (social, academic and gender) mix of children make up each class. If you have an area of serious concern, please feel free to communicate that to me either personally or by email. Children from Year 3 upwards are asked to indicate a small number of children with whom they work well. We do not base placements on friendships.  


36 children from Years 4-6 will be representing our school at the Pupuke Cluster Athletics next Thursday 27th.


The school Picnic and Cultural Celebration on Sunday 30th starts at 3pm in the Hall with the Kapa Haka Group, Cultural items and the choir performing. Please support this part of the afternoon, if possible. I really encourage all our school families to come along and have a great fun afternoon. If you are a new family, don’t be shy!

Last year’s picnic was so much fun and a good chance for parents to relax while their kids play!

 IMG_1869 IMG_1872 IMG_1865 IMG_1868James was checking out the efficiency of the firefighters attending a house fire in Dominion St today.

God bless! Stay safe.  Have a great weekend.


2014-11-21T18:21:53+00:00 21st November 2014|