Week Seven Term Four

Advent starts this Sunday. It is one of the wonderful seasons of the church year as we are waiting and preparing for Christmas. Remember to light the first candle on your Advent Wreath at home and find a simple Advent prayer to pray together as a family every night.  “Come Lord Jesus!” Help our children to understand the true meaning of Christmas. The competition from commerce is rather fierce so our messages need to be subtle and quiet.

This team of boys have pulled off another fantastic season winning the top year 5 grade again!

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The Building Programme

This week, following the site meeting, I had the opportunity to go upstairs to the first floor and have a look at the progress there, the amount of space and the amazing view!


The foundations to the veranda are well under way; the 1st floor boxing is complete and the basement floor framing is just about finished. Most of the structural steel is in place and the 1st floor slab has been poured.


Classes, Teams and Teachers for 2015


While we have started work on class placements for next year, the process is far from complete and it is likely that we will notify you in January, not at the end of the year. Please do not request particular placements for your child (children). Trust that teachers spend considerable time ensuring that a balanced (social, academic and gender) mix of children make up each class. If you have an area of serious concern, please feel free to communicate that to me either personally or by email. Children from Year 3 upwards are asked to indicate a small number of children with whom they work well. We do not base placements on friendships.  

Pupuke Cluster Athletics

19 children from Years 4-6 represented our school at the Pupuke Cluster Athletics on Thursday 27th. Thanks to Ingrid Young, Hayley Mahuru and the great band of parents who supported the children on the day.

100 Metres     Year 4 Girls     2ndOlivia W      Year 4 Boys     1st Noah J         2nd Keegan K

Year 5 Boys     3rd Charlie D    Year 6 Boys     3rd Levi W

Hurdles           Year 4 Girls     2nd Olivia W     3rd Maia L        Year 4 Boys     1st Noah J         2nd Keegan K

Year 5 Boys     3rd Charlie D    Year 6 Boys     2nd Levi W

Javelin             Year 4 Girls     1st Olivia W     Year 4 Boys     1st Keegan K    Year 6 Girls     2nd Raewen P

Shot Put         Year 4 Boys     2nd Keegan K

High Jump      Year 4 Girls     2nd Olivia W     Year 5 Boys     1st Charlie D    2nd Joshua W Year 6 Boys       1st Levi W

Long Jump      Year 4 Girls`3rd Olivia W         Year 4 Boys     3rd Noah J        Year 5 Girls     3rd Alexandra W

Year 5 Boys     2nd Charlie D   Year 6 Girls     2nd Lucy T        Year 6 Boys     1st Levi W


This week has been another busy one full of learning adventures and fun. Most of our Year 6 boys attended the Rosmini Orientation afternoon this week, so the reality of change is upon them, with a mixture of excitement and slight trepidation. Our Year 6 students have been well prepared for the next step in their educational journey, and this is thanks, not only to their current teachers, but to all the teachers they have had during their time at St Joseph’s, who have encouraged them to be self-managing, to relate well to others, to think for themselves, be resilient and take responsibility for their learning and behaviour. We hope that they also treasure their faith more because of their time at St Joseph’s and that, with their families’ support and ongoing education in a Catholic environment, their faith, in time, will become an integral part of their adult life.


Next week, Years 5 & 6 will be involved in the Waterwise programme and we are really grateful to the parents who assist us by being instructors and supervisors



The school Picnic and Cultural Celebration on Sunday 30th starts at 3pm in the Hall. Please support this part of the afternoon, if possible. I really encourage all our school families to come along and have a great fun afternoon. If you are a new family, don’t be shy!

Last year’s picnic was so much fun and a good chance for parents to relax while their kids play!


God bless! Stay safe.  Have a great weekend.




2014-11-28T15:45:42+00:00 28th November 2014|