Final Newsletter for 2014

The end of the 2014 school year seems have arrived very quickly! Weeks so full of learning, sports, performing and fun mean there is no danger of anyone suffering from boredom!

Last Monday night we celebrated the Graduation of our 69 Year 6 students. Their teachers, parents and I are very proud of what they have achieved, how they have grown in confidence, worked hard in their learning and the way they have developed their leadership skills.

Maddy McCarthy and Kate Blackwell very ably represented the Year 6’s when they spoke about their St Joseph’s experiences to their parents and teachers. Sue Morris from CrackerJack Kids, who had worked with the students during their Leadership Day in February, returned as the guest speaker. She challenged us to reach for the heights, always work on a positive attitude and strive to make a difference. Each student received a graduation certificate and a 2014 St Joseph’s School medal. The evening ended with the Year 6 video version of Happy!

We wish all our Year 6 students all the very best for the future and say thank you and farewell to many families, whose last child finishes this year: 42 families in all. Some of you have had many years associated with our school but you are all, old and new, very much part of what has made our school what it is today.

On Friday morning, our end of year Mass was celebrated by Father Phil and the whole school community, joined by Neil Laurensen from the Catholic Schools Office.   At the end of Mass, The children sang their hearts out and the Mass was a joyful and special celebration of thanksgiving. Mr Shane Coleman, our BOT Chair spoke, thanking all involved with the school and bringing to mind ex pupils from our school who are shining lights of success in various ways.. The Edmonds Cup was presented by Caitlin Blewden, last year’s winner, to Maxine Viado.

Later that morning the Awards Assembly was held in the school hall.

At our Awards assembly we recognise some of the important achievements by students in our school. There were awards in each class for Significant Improvement, Academic Achievement and School Spirit. We also presented Certificates of Excellence to some Year 6 students who have stood out in particular aspects of their learning, attitude or involvement.

Every year we give four supreme awards to students from Year 6 to recognise outstanding effort and achievement in Sports, the Arts, Academic and School Spirit and congratulations to the following:

Sports Cup:  Madeleine Stowers and Timothy Blewden

Arts Cup: Madeline McCarthy

Academic Cup:  Chazz Legaspi and Anya Johns

School Spirit – Edmonds Cup:      Maxine Viado

 Last Thursday night our BOT met for the last time this year. At this meeting, the achievement results for all children in Reading, Mathematics and Writing were shared. You will be delighted to know that overall our students, your children, are achieving highly and those who still have challenges in their learning are fully supported to make as much progress as possible.


Today all children have been allocated their teams for 2015. Each team has a number of home rooms and each child will be attached to a particular home room and teacher, with all home rooms and teachers working together collaboratively. You will be advised of your child’s home room later in January.

Kakariki Team         Years 5 & 6  Rooms 1,2,3,4 (Senior Block) Teachers Erika Bon (Francesca Knottenbelt), Sarah Gollogly, Robyn MacDougall and Alice Simmers and also Leslie Wright, who will work across the team Attached staff:  Sioux Smith

Kereru Team            Years 3 and 4   Rooms 5,6,7,8   Teachers Ingrid Young, Meidy Lambert, Joanna Nelson, Jessica Burton/ Lynda Harris and also Christine Thomson who will work across the team Attached staff: Christianne Checksfield and Michele Jenny

Kakapo Team          Year 2  St Joseph’s Centre (Rooms 9 & 10)  Teachers Annette Woodhead, Breanna Viskovich and also Gulgun Yilmaz who will work across the team  Attached staff: Wilma Hilhorst & Michele Jenny

Kea Team     Years 2 and 1  Rooms 11,12,13,14 (Junior Block)  Teachers Cate Dunne, Kathryn France, Diana Luxon, Debbie Pratt and also Gabrielle Bateman who will work across the team Attached staff: Carol Braithwaite & Hayley Mahuru

Kiwi Team     New Entrants from Term 3 onwards

I wish to acknowledge the children of our school, the people who are doing most of the learning, and are the reason we are all here at St Joseph’s. Thank you for the way you co-operate, work hard, think deeply, critically and creatively, and take responsibility for your learning, your behaviour and choices. I like the way you have lots of fun and show respect by the way you listen to and care for each other. I have been so impressed with your generosity in the way you give your time, attitude, spirit, help, love, kindness and smiles, of course. You make St Joseph’s the special place it is.

I also wish to acknowledge and thank your children’s teachers and all the support staff who dedicate much time and energy to ensure our children have the best time possible at school. Their dedication to their profession, to the teaching and learning not only in the academic field but in attitude, values and so on – all skills for living a fruitful life.

Thank you to the parents and families. Thank you for supporting the children in their learning, faith development and behaviour and attitudes. Your help and support in so many different ways is incredible and makes our job more manageable.

Next year, the parish has invited us to have a school Mass on the first Sunday of every month at 10.00 a.m. with the expectation that all families support this initiative, as far as possible.  More about it next year!

Each year, we farewell some families of children who are ending their association with our school.  Thank you for entrusting your children to us. Thank you each and every one for the contributions you have made to our school.  You are also part of our school taonga-the gifts you are and the gifts you have shared.

Thank you to Anna Macnaught and all the PTFA Team. It’s thanks to you that so much more can happen at our school.  The ways in which you support us are exceptional and you are so valued by our staff and children.  You are so generous.

Thank you to Shane Coleman and the Board of Trustees. Their support and dedication to our school means that we can continue to grow and develop in many exciting and innovative ways.  Their support of and trust in me has made my job so much more manageable and enjoyable and I thank them.

Thank you to Fathers Phil and Elric, our priests, and to the Parish Team. We have really appreciated your interest, support and active involvement.

Finally, let us try to keep our lives centred in God. Let us all open our eyes when we look at ourselves and each other, recognising our own and others’ gifts and talents, giving generously and believing we can achieve and do well.

I hope you continue to believe in God and believe in yourselves. Keep reflecting on how you live your lives and remember to continue living life to the full, making the most of every moment, sharing that joy with others and treating them with kindness and respect.

I look forward to welcoming everyone back again safe and sound, ready for another year of learning, at 8.50 a.m. on the 2nd February 2014. Ours school concept will be TEAM and our focus will be on Learning to Learn #L2L !

May God continue to journey with you and remember that God is very near, right by your side!

A happy and Holy Christmas to all and best wishes for a peace-filled New Year!



2014-12-15T13:25:15+00:00 15th December 2014|