Newsletter Week Seven Term One 2015

Week Seven Term 1 2015

Our Term’s Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values are

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

Lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

The Learning Model for our school is: “To Know To Do To Use”

Key Competencies

Capabilities for living and lifelong learning

The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies: • thinking • using language, symbols, and texts • managing self • relating to others • participating and contributing.

Participating and contributing

“This competency is about being actively involved in communities. Communities include family, whānau, and school and those based, for example, on a common interest or culture. They may be drawn together for purposes such as learning, work, celebration, or recreation. They may be local, national, or global. This competency includes a capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others, and to create opportunities for others in the group.

Students who participate and contribute in communities have a sense of belonging and the confidence to participate within new contexts. They understand the importance of balancing rights, roles, and responsibilities and of contributing to the quality and sustainability of social, cultural, physical, and economic environments.”  NZ Curriculum


The Building Programme

Every day we see more progress Upstairs windows are almost all in place. It won’t be long now before interior wall linings are in place. Ovens and cooktops have been bought for the science /technology learning spaces for the ground and first floor. Last week Shane Coleman, BOT Chair and several of the teachers and I visited the showroom at Envision NZ to look at updated alternatives to our interactive whiteboard system. We are considering using more mobile IWB type technology instead of fixing these to the walls, given that the learning spaces are going to be more flexible, than in a traditional single cell classroom. Pictured below are some of the options we are investigating.

Teachin Staion with Activboard      Activ panel



Every year the BOT provides a report to the Ministry of Education about the achievement of our students. As a BOT targets are set each year after analysis of needs from the previous year’s data. The reading results submitted from 2014 data are shared with you below:   (The categories used are determined by the Ministry of Education, so not all ethnicities are included in the table)


Achievement in Mathematics – all levels

Well below Below At Above Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number
All students 5 1.4% 34 9.7% 228 64.8% 85 24.1% 352
Maori 1 14.3% 6 85.7%     7
Pasifika 7 77.8% 2 22.3%     9
Asian 13 10.5% 83 66.9% 28 22.6% 124
NZ European/

Pakeha/Other European42.2%1819.7%11461.6%4926.5%185Male52.7%168.8%10758.8%5429.7%182Female  1810.6%12171.2%3118.2%170





As you know Holy Week and Easter is coming up.  This is the most significant celebration on the Church calendar.


During the last week of Term 1 we, as a school, will be focussing on the events that occurred during Holy Week and Easter, the symbols associated with these and the significance of the events. On Holy Thursday (2 April) at 1.30 we will celebrate and share a Holy Week Liturgy, covering the whole of the Paschal Mystery. All welcome to be present.

As parents you can assist with your child’s faith development by using some of these ideas.

  • Discussing what they are doing within the class programme.
  • Attending the various services  (see timetable below)

– Reconciliation                                 – Palm Sunday Mass

– Holy Thursday Mass                   – Stations of the Cross (led by the Youth Group)

-Easter Saturday Vigil or – Easter Sunday Mass

  • Read and discuss the Easter Stories (use children’s bibles – depending on the age of your children)
  • Discuss family and cultural traditions around Easter
  • Perhaps share other cultural Easter traditions with your child’s class
  • Re-enacting the Passover meal at home and discuss the significance


Services at St Joseph’s Church





Palm Sunday Mass March 29th 7.30 am

10.00 am

7.00 pmHoly ThursdayMassApril 2nd7.30 pmGood Friday

Stations of Cross for Children (Church Youth)

Passion of Christ

April 3rd

10.00 am

3.00 pmHoly SaturdayEaster Vigil MassApril 4th7.30 pmEaster SundayMassApril 5th7.30 am

10.00 am


Remember –Patuone House Family Mass on Sunday at 10.00 a.m.   All families welcome.  Sausage sizzle and soccer afterwards!

Remember to register for SHORE TO SHORE! We have 61 registered now, but maybe some more can make it to this event. Unfortunately, it does clash with Palm Sunday so maybe your family could go to Mass on either Saturday night, Sunday afternoon or evening so that you can accommodate both?


Ka kite ano!  God bless!    Have a wonderful weekend.   Phil










2015-03-21T16:11:22+00:00 21st March 2015|