A report on learning in Religious Education by Grace Chapman School Special Character Leader

Religious  Education


Kakapo team has been working very hard in R.E.

They had lots to talk about and here are a few things that they have been doing.


They have been focusing a lot about God’s creation and what things he made and put on earth like Adam and Eve.

With this they have been learning about special gifts that they have and how to show joy and peace throughout their daily lives.


Another part of r.e. they have been learning about is the Holy Spirit and what some of the symbols.

  • Flame

  • Dove

  • Water

  • Wind

Also with this they have been

Learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

  • Love

  • Joy

  • Peace

  • Patience

  • Kindness

  • Goodness

  • Faithfulness

  • Gentleness

  • And self control


Kakapo team is also learning about not being greedy.


They use parables to show how someone is greedy but then they learn their lesson in some way.

This is reflected back into their daily lives as they don’t want to be greedy but want to always

share .


Adding to learning about God they also were taught about how Jesus is the son of God also called the messiah.Jesus the greatest gift that came to earth.

How Jesus showed others how to love each other and how he told parables to guide people to do the right thing.


In their prayers they watch bible stories and ask questions about that story they also do special intentions, our father, morning prayer and then a few children who have brought in mission money have a chance to place it into the mission box


I can see that Kakapo team have been working really hard. I got to say it is very impressive to see so many children wanting to tell their part about what they have been learning.


written by: Grace Chapman

2015-07-03T12:20:14+00:00 3rd July 2015|