Newsletter Week Two Term 3 2015

This  Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L


Year 6 Champion Miniballers!   Click on photo to enlarge


Something to think about!

What are the building blocks for 21st century learning and citizenship?

21st Century Skills are a set of academic building blocks—abilities and ways of thinking—that can help kids thrive as 21st century citizens. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning identifies these skills (or the 4Cs as they are often called) as:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication
  • Collaboration and
  • Creativity and innovation

As today’s students face higher expectations in both school and the workforce, 21st Century Skills help to prepare students for what they will need to know and be able to do in school and college, at work and throughout all aspects of personal and civic life. Students can build these skills by applying them as they learn regular school subjects. And we know that pointing out these skills will actually increase students’ grasp of what they’re learning, as well their overall engagement in their own education.

An extract from: What is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship all about?

In NZ, we tend to describe these as: Key Competencies

Capabilities for living and lifelong learning

thinking • using language, symbols, and texts • managing self

• relating to others • participating and contributing.


St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW           What Do I Know?                  What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                  What Do I Need To Do?        How Do I Do This?


TO USE                 How will I Use What I Am Learning?      What Other Ways Can I Use It?


Commonwealth Chess Championships, New Delhi, INDIA.


I recently travelled to India to attend Commonwealth Chess Championships which was held in New Delhi. 11 countries participated in this tournament and there were over 500 players who played under different categories. On the first day we had the opening ceremony, I played in the under 10 age category in the girls division. There were 8 rounds and I got to play with players from India, South Africa and Bangladesh. I drew against a player from South Africa and a Bangladesh player. I learnt some new techniques after playing in this tournament. At the end there was the closing ceremony where I received a certificate for my participation. Overall it was a good experience for me.


All families, ex-families and parishioners are invited to the blessing and opening of our lovely new  building, which will be held on 8 September (Our Lady’s birthday!) starting at 10.30 a.m.


Kea Team HG 11 & 12 learning in their new environment.

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Kakariki Team – Years 5 & 6 – and Kakapo Team – Year 2 – will move in between Weeks 3 & 5 .

Catholic Caring Foundation

At the Cathedral In front of the Cathedral


Caring Mass for the Catholic Caring Foundation

Our students, Jewel T,  Cassie L, Janice S and Ethan D and were blessed by Bishop Patrick Dunn at the Catholic Caring Foundation’s Caring Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Wednesday July 22nd. Bishop Pat, the Patron of the Foundation, also thanked them, as representatives of our school community, for their outstanding care and commitment to caring for others in our community.

The Foundation has been supporting communities in need with grants for emergency housing, domestic violence prevention, elderly support, growth programmes for youth, foodbanks, new settler support services and families in crisis for over 25 years

Meeting Bishop Pat With the Bishop


CONGRATULATIONS to Quitos Decena! I received this good news email recently!

“Dear Phil O’Connell-Cooper (Principal), I am writing on behalf of Kumgang Taekwondo to inform you that Quitos Decena has recently graded and attained a Green Belt. Lots of dedication and practice has resulted in this achievement; we are very proud of him and wanted to share his success with you. Kind Regards, Sarah Ward (Programme Manager).”




This group usually patrol schools as and when the police ask them to, especially during school holidays, as well as patrolling other areas.


North Harbour Community Patrol (NHCP) act as ‘eyes and ears’ for the North Shore Community and the North Shore Police, NHCP are always looking for new volunteers, volunteers must be over the age of 18 years old and have a full New Zealand Drivers Licence. All volunteers are Police Vetted – if you are interested in helping to keep your community safe and want to help to reduce and prevent crime or would like some more information – please contact the operations manager on 478 1711 or email or visit the national CPNZ website for more information 


Remember:  the working bee – tomorrow, Saturday 1 August or Wednesday 5 August and Parent Information Evening for Kereru Team and HG 11 & 12, 7pm Wednesday 5 August.


Nga mihi! Ma te Atua manaaki!  God bless!   


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