Newsletter Week Three Term 3 2015


This  Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L


So much of our learning involves developing our awareness of the needs of others and responding accordingly.

Congratulations to Codie J, HG1 Kakariki Team,

as part of his Service Home Learning Challenge,

organised a blanket drop off at school for children in need!


Thank you to all the families who responded so generously.

so many blankets codie and sam with blankets loading blanketsClick on each photo to enlarge


Something to think about!

What does a 21st century education look like?

A 21st century classroom looks, sounds and feels different from what you might remember from your own education. Students often work in teams, tackling projects that deal with real local and global problems in health, the environment, business and more. Teachers help students to ask tough questions and work through problems – but might not provide all of the answers. Students get to apply their knowledge, and prove what they know by presenting to their classmates, school or even their community. In a 21st century education, learning can take place both inside and outside of the classroom. Students make use of new and emerging technologies and online resources—both through self-directed exploration outside of school and guided by a teacher in school. Readiness for the 21st century must include college, career, AND citizenship. Each one is equally important to ensuring and shaping a child’s successful future. We need to support our kids as they learn how to succeed, lead and thrive in the 21st century. Our children need high quality education that inspires them and prepares them for the real-life challenges of today’s world. See the parent tip sheet for more ideas on how to connect your child’s education today, and his or her future tomorrow. (

An extract from: What is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship all about?


St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW           What Do I Know?                  What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                  What Do I Need To Do?        How Do I Do This?


TO USE                 How will I Use What I Am Learning? 

What Other Ways Can I Use It?


Catholic School Chess Competition

A team of 4 with the support crew of Jane Sheridan and Joshua McD, spent all day Thursday over at St Pauls’ Massey, at the Catholic Schools’ Chess Competition. Last year our team was in the beginners’ level; this year they have graduated to Intermediate level. They won the first round at the Chess Competition, so were off to a great start! They tell me that they came 5th in a field of 11 teams.
It was a great event for all of them where they got a chance to play different players. They missed the top spot as a team but Nadia B won the tournament on Board 1, achieving highest score and receiving a certificate.
Thank you, once again, to Jane Sheridan, for generously giving her time to transport, supervise and support the team.

Chess Team

Joshua McD, Connor S, Jorja S, Dominic P ( Nadia B abs)





Thank you to the parents from Kereru and HG 11 & 12 from Kea Team, who came along to the Information evening on Wednesday night. I hope you found it useful and helpful. We were delighted that you could make the time to come out on a miserable winter’s night. Your questions were helpful to us and the suggestions for areas where we could provide futher assistance to you, have given us food for thought and action.

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All families, ex-families and parishioners are invited to the blessing and opening of our lovely new  building, which will be held on 8 September (Our Lady’s birthday!) starting at 10.30 a.m. Please pass this invitation on to people you know who have had connections with the school.

Kakapo Team have moved all their furniture and equipment – thank you to all the parents who helped – and will be in their new learning space by Monday 10.

Kakariki Team have also started their move and plan to be in their new learning space by Monday 17.




This group usually patrol schools as and when the police ask them to, especially during school holidays, as well as patrolling other areas.


North Harbour Community Patrol (NHCP) act as ‘eyes and ears’ for the North Shore Community and the North Shore Police, NHCP are always looking for new volunteers, volunteers must be over the age of 18 years old and have a full New Zealand Drivers Licence. All volunteers are Police Vetted – if you are interested in helping to keep your community safe and want to help to reduce and prevent crime or would like some more information – please contact the operations manager on 478 1711 or email or visit the national CPNZ website for more information 


Kakapo Team celebrated a lovely creation liturgy, on Thursday morning,  with parents, grandparents and Father Elric. Thank you to all who came along and supported this.

Beautiful Art Work Depicting our Team Names


Thank you so much to those parents and children who came along on Saturday for the working bee – and to those who came through the week and those who have offered to do some work this Saturday. If you wish to help out, just see David Kelly and he will give you a job to do, I’m sure!

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Nga mihi! Ma te Atua manaaki!  God bless!   


2015-08-07T12:39:53+00:00 7th August 2015|