Newsletter Week Five Term 3 2015


This  Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW           What Do I Know?                  What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                  What Do I Need To Do?        How Do I Do This?


TO USE                 How will I Use What I Am Learning? 

What Other Ways Can I Use It?


Staff Prayer and Reflection

Every Tuesday morning our staff gather together for 15 minutes of prayer and reflection. This year, we are focussing on a programme called Going Deeper which challenges us in our faith development, helps us to learn more about our faith and is very much in the context of Catholic education. This week we were reminded of the importance of traditions and to reflect on the important traditions of our school.

Dear Lord, We thank you for the deep and rich traditions we share within the Catholic Church. We thank you also for the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ who have gone before us. We thank you for the men and women who have sought and found a way to serve in the heart of your Church within the great adventure of Catholic education. We ask today for all holy men and women, the saints, to pray for us as we continue to follow their example and bring each young person to a deeper awareness of your love for them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

At St Joseph’s, we like to remember those who have gone before us, those who had a significant part in our school’s history. That is why, for example, we have named our school houses after Bishop Pompallier, Eruera Patuone, Sister Alphonsus and Catherine McAuley.

Something to think about!  

Make 21st Century Citizenship a Topic of Discussion at Home

“Talk about current events and news. Discuss local, national and international current issues and events with your child. Watch the news together, read a newspaper or browse online news sources for relevant articles with your child to start the conversation.

Have fun in your community. Help your child expand their awareness of the world by learning and talking about and experiencing other traditions, cultures and languages represented in your community in addition to your own.

Make decisions about responsible digital practices together. Talk with your child about how to judge the accuracy and bias of online news and ways to behave safely and responsibly in the immense digital world. “
An extract from: What is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship all about?

Download the guide in PDF format to read about the Top 5 questions parents have about Instagram




OUR NEW BUILDING will be known as the

  Pompallier Learning Centre

It is named after Bishop Pompallier, who had the insight and drive to ensure that there was a Catholic Primary school in Takapuna from 1849 onwards.

The areas where the children are based will be known by their team names:

First Floor: Kakariki Learning Space (Home Groups 1, 2, 3, 4)

Ground Floor: Kereru Learning Space (Home Groups 5, 6, 7, 8) and Kakapo Learning Space (Home Groups 9. 10)

Lower Ground Floor: Kea Learning Space (Home Groups 11, 12)

What is currently known as the Junior Block will also be known as Kiwi Learning Space (Home Groups 13, 14, 15)

The Administration Block will be re-named the

McAuley Administration Centre

(the previous 2 Administration buildings were called McAuley House after Catherine McAuley who founded the Mercy Order of Nuns, who started our school, and we are just reviving that tradition)


Kakariki Team have moved in!

Kakariki Team have moved in without a hitch and look as if they have been there forever!

P1070606 P1070609 P1070610

All of our families, ex-families and parishioners are invited to the blessing and opening of our lovely new  building, which will be held on 8 September (Our Lady’s birthday!) starting at 10.30 a.m. in the Father David Nolan Hall.

Please pass this invitation on to people you know who have had connections with the school.


Remember McAuley House Family Mass is at 10.00 next Sunday 30 August

Remember Parent Representatives Meeting at 9.00 at Brioche on Wednesday


Have a lovely weekend.


Ma te Atua manaaki !  God bless!   




2015-08-21T11:46:57+00:00 21st August 2015|