Newsletter Week Six Term 3 2015


This  Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW           What Do I Know?                  What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                  What Do I Need To Do?        How Do I Do This?


TO USE                 How will I Use What I Am Learning? 

What Other Ways Can I Use It?


Our children are not just learning “stuff”. They are learning how to learn so that they will be learners for life not just within the school setting. There are so many skills, aptitudes and attitudes we need to develop in order to be well-rounded, successful contributors to society.





Something to think about!  

 Highlight Your Own 21st Century Practices

“Be active in national and local elections. Vote in local and national elections and talk to your child about your own decision-making process and the issues on the ballots.
Things you can do regularly to build civic literacy

§  Read, listen or watch the news with your child. Reading the news together enhances critical thinking, increases civic knowledge and improves vocabulary.

§  Talk about current events and issues at the dinner table. Find out which issues are important to your kids, and what they think leaders and citizens should be doing about them.

§  Learn about government, especially local and national government.  What does it do, and who makes the decisions.

§  Connect current and historic events. Use today’s news to explore and understand leaders, decisions and events that happened earlier in time. Or reverse it: use history to understand the day’s events.

§  Keep a map handy. Hang a city, province, NZ and/or world map in your family room, or access on your phone, laptop or iPad. When you discuss a news story, track it on the map. Are there places where more news happens? Why?

§  Research the candidates and issues. Discover the issues and learn where the candidates stand. Don’t stop when Election Day is over – keep tracking the newly elected candidates to see how they do on their campaign promises.

§  Make your voice heard. Write a letter to the editor, post to a blog, or upload a video on YouTube. Share your opinions on important community issues and start a conversation.

§  Share your thoughts with an elected official. Write a letter, call or send an email to a local board member, a local Member of Parliament, or even the Prime Minister. Let them know what you want for our community.

§  Set an example. Stay informed about current issues, educate yourself about how our government works, be active in your community, and be open to dialogue about our community’s challenges, policies and opportunities.

§  Vote – and take your child with you when you do.

Talk about your own role in the community. Share information about your own roles in the local and global community with your child. Talk about your interests and involvement in your neighbourhood, city or town, religious and cultural institutions and national or international affiliation groups and organisations. Share why they are important to you. 

Share your priorities with the community. Advocate for family-oriented cultural educational programs in your community. Let others know why they are important to you and your family. 

Set an example for collaboration and compassion. Be a strong role model and mentor to your children. Make working with others and having an open mindset a priority. “

An extract from: What is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship all about?

Download the guide in PDF format to read about the Top 5 questions parents have about Instagram


Our Parent  Class Representatives met this week.

Their role is to help us build community and be another channel of communication between home and school.

Please respond when they are in touch with you. Otherwise they feel as if the messages they are sending out are getting lost somewhere in cyberspace!


Remember to “sign up” for the Bingo Night on the

18 September!


All of our families, ex-families and parishioners are invited to the blessing and opening of our lovely new  building, The Pompallier Learning Centre, which will be held on 8 September (Our Lady’s birthday!) starting at 10.30 a.m. in the Father David Nolan Hall.

Please pass this invitation on to people you know who have had connections with the school.



Remember McAuley House Family Mass is at 10.00 this Sunday 30 August


Have a lovely weekend.


Ma te Atua manaaki !  God bless!   




2015-08-26T17:40:19+00:00 26th August 2015|