Newsletter Week Three Term Two

This Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model

TO KNOW                 What Do I Know?               What Do I Need to Know?

TO DO                       What Do I Need To Do?   How Do I Do This?

TO USE                      How will I Use What I Am Learning?

What Other Ways Can I Use It?


On Sunday, 1 November, we celebrate the feast of All Saints, followed the All Souls on Monday 2 November.

You are all very welcome to join us for a liturgy to commemorate these two feasts on Monday morning at 8.50 a.m. (the usual Monday morning prayer time).

There Is Saint In Every Soul All Saints Souls Day

A LITTLE BIT OF BACKGROUND from the Catholic Catechism :

The Communion of Saints’ does not mean simply those officially canonised by the Church whose feast days are celebrated in the Church calendar, but all those who are with God in heaven. This ‘communion’ also includes those who have died and are undergoing purification before entering into the fullness of life with God. The belief in the Communion of Saints understood as a great family of all those who have responded to Christ’s grace, both those now living and those who have ‘gone before’, helps Catholics place in perspective, questions about the meaning and purpose of life and death. They understand that life itself is the gift of a gracious Creator, and that each human being is made in ‘the image and likeness’ of God.



Click on image to enlarge

Breanna and the Hen

The latest visitors to school! Looks as if Ms Viskovich has an affinity for wildlife!

Some chickens are arriving soon too!





Thirty nine of our students performed

really well, in the recent Kids for Kids Concert at the Bruce Mason Centre. Amelia and Skyler were selected as soloists and Grace C trialled for a rap number and formed part of the singing and dancing chorus, while Ashling played a bracket of songs on the ukulele with several children from other schools.

The photos below are from the rehearsal and the evening performance.

click on images to enlarge

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I was very proud to be at the Carmel College end of year Mass and to see our ex-pupils graduating from College. I am delighted to hear that Tharushi Wijesinha and Cecelia Yang, both St Joseph’s ex-pupils, are the head girls for 2016 and to hear that a high number of our ex-pupils are in next year’s leadership team.



Have a lovely weekend!

Go the All Blacks, in what promises to be an interesting RWC Final!

Ma Te Atua Manaaki!  God Bless!   




2015-10-30T16:42:14+00:00 30th October 2015|