Newsletter Week Four Term 4 2015

This Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model

TO KNOW                 What Do I Know?               What Do I Need to Know?

TO DO                       What Do I Need To Do?   How Do I Do This?

TO USE                      How will I Use What I Am Learning?

                                           What Other Ways Can I Use It?





Two lots of new entrants!  Three 5 day old chickens and our next lot of new entrants on their first school visit.


Introducing New Entrants to how we behave at St Joseph’s!

click in images to enlarge

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The two Plymouth Rock Hens are creating a lot of interest and I believe they have been named

 Milly and Molly!  (Not sure where Mandy is?)

They are obligingly laying eggs which is so exciting for the children!

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Last Friday we had a mufti day where we raised money for people fleeing their countries due to war over in Syria. All the money will go to World Vision who will supply food and water, clothing and other personal needs.

All together we raised over $600. I hope that this money will help even one person to have a better quality life and to find peace in a new country.

If you would like to have a look on World Vision’s website the URL is below.

 Report by Ashling S HG4 Kakariki Team


P.S. Ashling S organised this fundraiser as part of her Home Learning Challenge in the Service category. Also, we added extra funds from the Mission money fund to make the amount donated $1000.00.


Cake and Cookie Stalls

Thank you for your amazing support over the past few weeks for fundraising for those in need. Yesterday’s cake and cookie stall raised in the vicinity of $800.00. There is another cake and cookie stall in Week 6.

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After that apart from our weekly mission collection, that should be it for this year. In relation to the weekly mission collection, Grace C from HG2, as part of her Home Learning Challenge, has put out a challenge to all of Kakariki Team (Years 5 & 6) to give generously to these collections so that they can donate $500.00 to Starship. Just a reminder, that we really encourage all children who are donating to the mission collection, actually “earn” that money by some extra effort they may make at home. Then it becomes a greater gift.


Bear Claw Leaf Scoops


On the night of Wednesday 28th of October, the St Joseph’s choir sang at the Kids for Kids Show. Also, a great performance was given from the two amazing soloists, Amelia T and Skyler A. All the money that was raised from the audience was given to World Vision, a foundation that works with children, families and their communities worldwide to prevent the causes of poverty and injustice. This year, we raised money for Luguru, Tanzania and with all the choirs’ hard effort we hope it will really change the lives of the people who live in Luguru to a happy, safe and better life.

Reported by Yeshlie K, HG1 Kakariki Team

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Kids for Kids is an event when choirs join together and sing. They sing for those in different countries who are less fortunate than us. The St Joseph’s choir participated and four very lucky members got an important role. Amelia T sung a beautiful solo, Ashling S played a ukulele medley, Grace C danced to ‘I see red’ and Skyler A was dressed up and chirping as a bird in the song. Kids for Kids is a great chance to be yourself while helping others in need.

Reported by Tashya W HG1 Kakariki Team



Christmas Boxes

Again, a very big thank you for the generous response to this appeal. They will be displayed at prayers on Monday. View the video (link below) to see the absolute joy such generous gifting provides for children less fortunate than our own. 


Ma Te Atua Manaaki!  God Bless!   




2016-02-06T16:11:14+00:00 6th November 2015|