Our Term’s Living and Learning Focus is
Our School Values are
Tika Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment
Lived out in our Motto
Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage
Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s #L2L
The Learning Model for our school is:
“To Know To Do To Use”
Principal for the Day Dominic P with trusted assistant Cody J
The 8th of April. The day Dominic P, became Principal. It was his one day of authority over the whole school. He had a lot planned for us (Mrs O’Connell Cooper included).
Firstly, we all had to wear a crazy hat to school that would be judged by the principal himself. I saw some amazing hats that kids had made in just one night! At 12 p.m. everyone trudged down to the hall to watch the grand hat presentation. It started with Kiwi team (Year 1) and went right up to Kakariki (Year 5 & 6).
I asked a few people what they thought what the best and worst thing about the day was. A girl told me “I liked wearing my sparkly hat” and she thought that nothing could be improved. Later I asked a boy and he said, “I would have liked to been allowed to play soccer.” When I inquired about this, I discovered that the soccer was only for years 5 & 6’s not the whole school. Though he was very decisive in saying that “the crazy hats were awesome.”
Well done Dominic sounds like everyone enjoyed the day.
Submitted by School Reporter, Aoife M, HG3 Kakariki Team
Crazy Hat Day
Exhilaration overpowered everyone in the crowded hall. Principal of the day, Mr Pietersen (or Dominic P) had planned a wonderful day for us, which included a Crazy Hat Day parade. Mr Pietersen announced which teams will make their way up to the stage and soon after he revealed the nominees and winners from each class.
There were amazing hats in all shapes and sizes and bright colours were everywhere. The hats were created with all sorts of materials. Each and every hat was creative and unique according to their creator’s style. The final winners received Bubbly Cadbury chocolate .This activity’s name matched our day. CRAZY!!!
Submitted by School Reporter, Janine O, HG2 Kakariki Team
Congratulations to the winning chocolate sellers who had their prizes presented by Sylvie T!
School Library
Getting the Picture Books Ready
Wonderful parents helping out in the Library! Thank you so much!
Our library is getting a new look, thanks to Christine Thomson and Megan Street and to the many parent helpers. New shelves have been purchased. Many books are now displayed in a more inviting way. There has been a rearrangement of furniture too.
Working Together!
Sharing the Learning
Kereru Team
Thank you to all the parents who supported their children by coming along and taking part in the sessions. I hope your child was able to excite you by the learning they are doing – in relation to their faith, their relationships with others, their self-management, their thinking and problem solving, their creativity and physical prowess!
Kakariki Team
Care of and Respect for Our Environment
Members of Kereru Team have been learning about the impact of plastic rubbish on our environment. One of their actions was to hold a plastic free day. They encouraged other children to bring their lunch in re-usable containers to try and eliminate the amount of rubbish. I am sure we will be hearing more from them
Congratulations to Helen Doyle who was awarded a volunteer of the month award from Harbour Sports,
last Monday after prayers!
Thank you to all our coaches, managers and supporters who make sure that our children have many great sporting opportunities.
Understanding and Sharing Our Faith through Imagination and Drama
What follows are some photos of children in Kereru Team, who have been reflecting on all the scripture stories telling us about what happened after Jesus rose from the dead and have presented their learning in many creative ways.
Becoming a School Trustee Click on this link you can find out more.
If you are interested in finding out more, just ask me or one of the BOT members. Nominations will be called for from Friday 6 May and will close on 20 May. More details will come out at the beginning of next term.
Congratulations to the swimmers who competed recently at a North Shore Interschool’s Competition!
Congratulations to our Year 6 Flippa Ball Team who, after a very challenging final game, won the competition for their grade!
The first school Mass for Term 2 will be on May 16 at 12.15 which is a national Catholic Schools Day.
Have a lovely holiday break. Stay safe.
God bless!