Tania Dalton – Rest in Peace
Tania, Duane, Tayla, Charlie and Mattie have been in the prayers of the staff, students and school community, over this last week. We were deeply saddened to receive news last Friday of Tania being admitted to hospital and her death on Wednesday.
Tania and her family have been a significant part of our school community over the last ten years. Parents, staff and students have shared their stories this week, talking of her passionate enthusiasm for all that she did. The way in which she supported her children’s sports teams and attended all school sports events, where she watched as a proud parent of her children’s successes and celebrated the sporting achievements of all the students participating. People have shared how Tania had a great sense of fun and made everyone feel at ease and special.
The students who knew Tania well met yesterday to pray for her and to share their memories of this special lady who has been part of their lives. They remember her as a great coach, someone who had lots of enthusiasm, believed in them and never gave up on them.
Please continue to keep Tania and her family in your prayers.
Memorial Service
Staff and Board Members will be attending Tania’s Memorial Service, on Monday, on behalf of the school community. Parents are welcome to take their children to this service if they wish. Please could you sign your children out, when collecting them, in order that we can be aware of which students have left the school for the afternoon.
Lenten Reflection
“Lent is a favourable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognising in them the face of Christ. Each of us meets people like this, every day. Each life that we encounter is a gift deserving acceptance, respect and love….
Lent is the favourable season renewing our encounter with Christ, living in his word, in the sacraments and in our neighbour.
Pope Francis Lenten Message 2017
Ash Wednesday
We had a wonderful school liturgy for Ash Wednesday. It was celebrated by the Catholic Character Leaders, students and Father Richard. The choir led the school singing beautifully. The liturgy was a time of prayer and reflection for the beginning of the forty days of lent.
Kiwi Team Mass – 9.15am Friday
Mrs Dunne, Mrs Kang and Mrs Pratt’s home groups will be attending Mass in our Parish church, Friday next week. You are all welcome to join them at this Mass.
First Holy Communion / Confirmation
At this weekend’s Masses, children of St Joseph’s will be presented as candidates for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, to the parish. Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare for these Sacraments, which they will receive later in the year. We wish them all God’s blessings.
House Leaders Meeting
Yesterday was our first house meeting for the new 2017 year. An energetic start with the house captains stepping up and asking children for their house goals for the year. We learnt our house chants and many had to block their ears!
In the school we have four houses: Alphonsus, Patuone, McAuley and Pompallier. They all represent a leader. Sister Alphonsus, Chief Patuone, Catherine McAuley and Bishop Pompallier. It was a great start. We all enjoyed being in our houses and learning our chants.
Mr Shane Coleman’s Special Assembly
This assembly has been moved to Tuesday 21 March beginning at 12 noon. This will allow our school community to join the Dalton family for Tania’s Memorial Service
Chocolate Fundraiser
Thank you for the great effort that is being put into selling chocolates. Please ensure you return money collected. If you have not been able to sell some or all of your chocolates please return them and they will be given to someone who is able to sell them. Thank you for all your support of this PTA fundraiser.
Shore to Shore – 9 April 2017
Shore to Shore is the North Shore’s largest 5km fun run with over 4,000 in 2016. The run starts at Takapuna Grammar School, heads along both the picturesque Takapuna and Milford beaches and ends at Milford Reserve.
This event brings together the North Shore community and supports local schools by providing them with an opportunity to raise funds for much needed sports gear. Get your friends, parents, Aunties, Uncles and even your Grandparents together, dress them up, and join us for the fun!
Check out www.shoretoshore.co.nz and mark the date on your calendar.
Road Works
Thank you everyone for the wonderful way you are supporting us with the new ‘exit’ arrangements after picking up your child from the pick-up zone. The road works are now at the top end of Fred Thomas Drive, consequently the barriers and cones have been placed through the intersection. Please be carefully exiting our drive as there is a new route to follow. Thank you
Removal of Trees
A section of the lower field will be fenced off next week. The trees on the bank to the north side of the field are going to be removed, as they have become unsafe. Teachers will closely supervise the students, playing on the lower field during their breaks, as part of the safety measure in place which the work is being carried out. Should you children use the grounds during out of school hours we strongly recommend that an adult accompanies them.
God bless