Lenten Reflection
Encountering God in Unlikely People and Places
“Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the ove of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place; on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey”
Pope Francis, Evangelli Gaudium 127
Happy St Joseph’s Day
Yes I do realise today is St Patrick’s Day; Happy St Patrick’s Day! However, Sunday is our Parish namesake feast day; St Joseph’s Day. On Sunday the Parish will be celebrating St Joseph’s Day at the 10am Mass. You are welcome to bring along a plate for the morning tea which is being held after this Mass in the Parish Hall
As a school we will celebrate St Joseph’s second feast day for the year, Monday May 1, St Joseph the Worker. In the mean time we wish you all a Happy St Joseph’s Day
It was a watertastic week for all our year 5’s and 6’s in Kakariki who went to Waterwise at Murrays Bay
The first thing Instructor Darren taught us was how to rig an optimist. After that we learnt how to sail an optimist using the mainsheet and the rudder.
We thought we should ask a year 5 about how they thought it went and if they liked the Waterwise program. Abigail Street said that her most enjoyable part was “sailing the optimist between the flags”. She also explained,“First you struggle when sailing but then you soon get the hang of it, after you have been out on the water for a while.”
Everyone showed courage. We all learnt to sail at sea and kayak on our own. This made us feel really proud of ourselves.
Thanks to all of the adults that were there as we couldn’t have experienced this without their help.
Mr Bridgman watched as we rigged our optimists.
Setting off to sail. The optimists were out at sea as others had taken them out before it was our turn.
We learnt to kayak and felt confident afterwards. Go Jack!
-By Ryan B and Daniel C
A Library Makeover
Over the holidays our library had a makeover with a fresh new coat of paint. We have also had an exciting new addition to the library teaching
Team – Mrs Street.
We visited the library one lunchtime this week to observe what is happening and asked Mrs Street some page turning questions about the latest developments to our library.
As we walked into the library we noticed many fascinating displays, especially the Libraries Around the World Montage which shows us how different libraries can look from one country to another.
You can also challenge yourself to pick up the brown covered books on display and judge the book by it’s story and not the cover. Our librarians put a lot of work into these displays so make sure that you check them out when you’re next visiting the library.
During our interview we uncovered some fun facts. Did you know..
- The longest book in our library is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Over 4500 books are in our library
- 600 books get issued each week
- The book with the least words is “Window” by Jeannie Baker
Reported by Daniel C and Ryan B
Shane Coleman’s Thank You Assembly
Next Tuesday 21 March we will be say thank you to Mr Coleman for all he has done for ST Joseph’s over his time on the Board of Trustees and as Chairperson. We invite you all to our school community to this special assembly, which begins at 12 noon and will be held in the school hall.
Chocolate Fundraiser
Thank you for the great effort that is being put into selling chocolates. Please ensure you return money collected. If you have not been able to sell some or all of your chocolates, please return them and they will be given to someone who is able to sell them. Thank you for all your support of this PTA fundraiser.
Boss Baby – Thursday 23rd March 6.30pm – Berkeley Cinemas, Takapuna
NOT MANY TICETS LEFT! BE IN QUICK! We are fortunate to have this “early viewing’ available to our school for fundraising. Buy the tickets for a great family evening. Movie forms are available at the office and can be returned, with money, to the ‘movie box’ in the office.
Shore to Shore – 9 April 2017
At prayer assembly this week we had two representatives from the groups organising the Shore to Shore talk to the students. It is a great opportunity for families to get out and participate together in a fun event. The fun run, walk, starts at Takapuna Grammar School, heads along both the picturesque Takapuna and Milford Get your friends, parents, Aunties, Uncles and even your Grandparents together, dress them up, and join us for the fun!
Check out and mark the date on your calendar.
What is the best way to share your concerns?
In an organisation as large as ours it is natural for there to be people with concerns. These can be around their individual children or about matters that are of a team or school wide nature. The most effective way to address these concerns is through face to face communication. To have your concerns heard and addressed please:
Your child
- Make an appointment, through the office, with the class teacher
- If you feel your concerns have not been addressed, make an appointment to meet the Assistant Principal responsible for your child’s Home Group and the classroom teacher
Team Wide
- Make an appointment, through the office, with the Assistant Principal responsible for the team
School Wide
- Make an appointment, through the office, with me.
You are welcome to send an email, however my experience suggests emails and texts are not effective at conveying your true thoughts. Upon receiving your email, the staff member you have contacted will be in touch to make an appointment to meet with you.
Pick-Up Zone
Thank you for your patience with collecting you child at the pick-up zone. We realise that some days are worse than others, however through care and courtesy everyone is collected by 3.15pm. The road works will be an ongoing project for a number of months, and we thank you for following the directions the road cones send you, in order that everyone leaves the property safely and there are no accidents, or injuries
Innovative Learning Environment
As part of learning the ‘St Joseph’s Way’ I have begun a series of conversations with the various members of the school community. These are designed to inform me about how the learning areas are being used, what the great things are about them, and to get some ideas about the ways in which they could be further enhanced. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts with me, you are welcome to meet me in the staffroom next Wednesday 22 March 1.45 – 2.45. If you are unable to attend, due to prior commitments please feel free to email me, , with your thoughts.
The school is offering the logs and timber rings from the trees felled on the lower field. This is green wood that will take 2-3 years to dry out before it is safe to burn.
The charge will be $50 for a small trailer load and $100 for a large trailer load. Payment the day of collection.
If you are interested, please contact the school office and provide your details. We will contact you and let you know which Saturday you can collect your wood. We are keen to have the wood all collected before the field becomes too wet to drive on.
God bless
Alister Bridgman