NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3


Term 2 Week 3


Courtesy Care Co-Operation Courage

Have you completed our Charter review survey? Over this term the Board, staff and I will be looking at our Charter, in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum, our school curriculum, and our school learning environment. I would really appreciate receiving your responses to the questions in this review. Please click on the link below. Thank you.


Confirmation and First Holy Communion

Congratulations to our students who are being confirmed this week and receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday May 28 . These are two of the three Sacraments for entry into our church and two of the seven Sacraments of our church. Confirmation is reaffirming, confirming, our baptism into the Catholic church. The students and their parents have worked together to prepare for the children to receive this special Sacrament. Please keep them all in your prayers.


Chrissie’s 100th Birthday

Kereru had a wonderful morning in the Flanagan’s Lounge celebrating one of our parishioners Chrissie’s 100th Birthday. The students made cards, baked scones, sung ‘Happy Birthday’ and ‘I’ve got this feeling’ to celebrate this special milestone. Some of the students helped to set the room for her morning tea and serve the other guests.


Happy 100th Birthday ChrissieChrissie











Introducing Mr McCarthy Morrogh By Daniel C

Due to the great response to last week’s article on getting to know Mrs O’Sullivan, we thought the school would enjoy learning more about our other new teachers who have joined us this year.


Mr Gregory McCarthy Morrogh, Home Group 4’s teacher, joined the Kakariki team at the start of Term 1.  IMG_0836 (1)

Born and raised on the North Shore, Mr M is a past pupil of both St Joseph’s and Rosmini. His favourite subject when he was at school was English and his favourite books growing up were The Hobbit and Famous Five.

He has been a teacher for 14 years and taught at five New Zealand schools as well as many other schools in England.

If Mr M’s not teaching, he’s down at the beach surfing the waves. His hidden talent is he paints artworks and he is a huge fan of Jazz with his favourite musician being John Coltrane. He is also a Grandfather of one and used to work for Tristar Columbia Pictures in sales.

Hang 10 Mr M and thanks for sharing more about yourself.

Coming up next week, we take a closer look at the new teachers in Year 4!



Term 2 Week 3 Calendar


Monday 22

Prayers                                              Hall

Book Fair                                           Library

7.30pm           Board Meeting                                  Staff Room

Tuesday 23               NO CHOIR

Book Fair                                           Library

Wednesday 24

Book Fair                                           Library

Thursday 25

7pm – 8pm    Confirmation Celebration               St Joseph’s Church

Friday 26


Sunday 28

First Communion Celebration       St Joseph’s Church



Trap It Bin It Wash It

HG 13,14,15 learnt all about safe sneezing last Tuesday. They had Special Agents K and M visit them in the Bubble. They, along with Mrs Pratt, taught the students all about how to sneeze safely. Check out the article on stuff by click on the link below and enjoy reading all about the visit through the stories that Victoria and Conor wrote.


deb 1 Deb2










Ripper Rugby

Congratulations to all our students that participated in the interschool ripper rugby tournament Tuesday this week. They had a great series of games and were wonderful representatives of our school. Our thanks to the many parents who supported our students at this event. Thanks to the coaches of the teams. You can be justifiably proud of your teams. Thank you to the students for being the great sports people you were at this event.


Year 3/4 Girls                                                            Year 3/4 Boys

Team A – Won all games                           Team A – 1 Win, 1 Loss, 1 Draw

Team B – Won all games                           Team B – 2 Win, 1 Loss

Year 5/6 Girls                                                            Year 5/6 Boys

Team A – 3 Win (Top of the points table)      Team A – 3 Win (Top of the points table)   Team B – 2 Win, 1 Loss



Attendance Dues / Donations

 Thank you to all those who have paid their child’s Attendance Dues and donation. If you have yet to pay these please could make arrangements for them to be paid this term. You will have received and invoice/statement by mail in the last week. This explains how the Attendance Dues and donations support the school.


Mandarin Classes

A beginner’s Mandarin class is now available after school on Wednesday afternoons, held on the school premises. These classes are designed for children to speak and understand conversational Mandarin through a fun and memorable learning platform. Mandarin is the world’s most spoken language with 1051 million speakers worldwide. Minimum of six children are required for the class to go ahead.

Starting                        Wednesday 31st May 2017

Time                            3.15 – 4.15

Cost                             $21 per lesson (+ $57.50 for yearly online access to the learning platform)

Contact the office by email if you are interested in your child attending.


Badminton Coaching

 Badminton Coaching with North Harbour Badminton starting Monday 12 June from 3.15pm to 4.30pm in Rosmini College school hall. The fee is $60/ session for the group and as we are starting late, we will only have 4 sessions this term. We can have 20 students for the coaching which total to $12/ child for this term 2 (dependent on whether we can achieve 20 students). If you are interested, could you please register your interest to the by 26 May 2017.

Note: all necessary equipment will be provided by North Harbour Badminton.


God bless

 Alister Bridgman


2019-02-04T12:17:06+00:00 22nd May 2017|