It’s that time of year again when we are seeing what appears to be a never ending cycle of sickness.
Hygiene is as always one of the main reasons for this.
Please discuss with your children the importance of washing their hands especially after using the toilet and ensuring they use soap and also dry them properly after.
If your child has been vomiting they must stay off school for 24 hours following the last day they were sick, in the case of diarrhoea they must stay off for 48 hours.
Strep throat is going around so please be aware if your child is getting a regular sore throat it may be worth getting them checked.
Children are arriving at school who have been sick during the night and then having to be sent home during school time, these children may be contributing to this continuing cycle of sickness.
Please be on the lookout for:
Nausea/ tummy bugs
Coughs / sore throats and very runny noses
Hopefully we can have a healthier Term 3