Newsletter 2020/06 – March 2


2020/06 – March 2

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Whānau

We are now in the church season of Lent, which is a time of preparation for Easter, the death and resurrection of our Lord. We had a lovely Ash Wednesday liturgy last week. This liturgy was celebrated by Father Carlo. He gave a lovely message to the students about how to act through the season of Lent.

A – acts of love – doing something for those you love; for your family members.

S – sacrifice – give up something you normally do or have ie giving up using devices at home and using the time to play board games or card games with family members.

H – holiness – prayer is a very important time of our day. Pray often.

Through ASH we will become closer to God.

World Day of Prayer (Friday 6 March) is an international movement of Christian people in many different traditions that have a continuing relationship of prayer and service. People from various denominations gather in one another’s churches to celebrate, using a Worship Service prepared by women of a different country each year. Women, men and young people share the language, customs and music of that country, right around the globe. 

The World Day of Prayer 2020 host country is Zimbabwe and the theme is “Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk”.

Father Michael Gaelen is to be ordained as Auxiliary Bishop of Auckland on Saturday 7 March. Staff and families representing our school community will be attending this very special occasion, in accordance with Bishop Patrick Dunn’s request. All Auckland parishioners are invited to this significant celebration. It is being held at the Vodafone Events Centre, 770 Great South Road, Wiri, Gates 2 & 3, and begins at 11 am. Our parish has arranged a bus to take parishioners who are interested in attending. If you require information about this option please contact Morna at the parish office; 489 6486.

As you will be aware, on Friday The Prime Minister has announced the first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in New Zealand. Please read Novel Corona Virus Update #6 which is the latest information schools have recieved form the Ministry of Education. Please read this update. The Key messages are;

  • the chances of community outbreak remain low
    • wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet
    • cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow
    • put used tissues in the bin.Practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best defence

I will continue to keep you informed as I recieve information from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. Please read Newsletters and Notices on the school website to keep yourself informed. Notifications of these being posted on the website are sent out by email.

The Radio New Zealand Kim Hill show on Saturday had two interesting and informative interviews which I would recommend all parents listened to:

If you have any concerns in relation to the Coronavirus or any other school wide concern please contact me. As always if you have a concern about your child you are welcome to contact their Home Group teacher

Ka manaakitia koutou e te Atua

Alister Bridgman


Term 1 Week 5

Monday 2 March

8.50 am – School Prayers

Tuesday 3 March

Beach Ed – HGs 15, 16, 17, 18

11.05 am – Schoolwide Meditation

Wednesday 4 March

Waterwise – Home Group 1

Beach Ed – HGs 8, 9

Lunch Clubs – Kapa Haka

12.40 – KidzCan Drama

6.30 pm – Sacramental Programme

Thursday 5 March

Beach Ed – HGs 7, 13

8.15 am – School Choir

Lunch Clubs – Cultural Group

Friday 6 March

World Day of Prayer

Saturday 7 March

11 am – Ordination of Auxiliary Bishop of Auckland

My Tūrangawaewae

My special place is our Matakana house. I wake up early and by 8, I’m out sprinting through the paddock, my dog is always ready. He gallops past. I give chase. The wind is whistling in my ears. Trees swaying in rhythm to my running. Breath catching as I see baby quail hurrying past. I rest on the grass, Yasco panting next to me, the soil passing even more heat into my bare feet. I leave him to gnaw on his bone and move on to the rebounder. The grey clouds make room for the sun and the moisture blanketing the grass starts to fade. The trees end their silent dance and the stillness is pierced by bird song. An old cat lazily paws behind the glass at a Kereru, then lies down. I grin.  

By Josh H HG5

My Taūrangawaewae (special place) is One Tree Hill, in Auckland. I would normally go with my Nani (Grandmother), my brother and my cousin/s. When I go there, I feel harmonious and free. I would run with the breeze, while being scorched by the sweltering sun. Below me I see the charred fragments of earth and the vast, colossal craters. On the top of One Tree Hill there stands a monumental obelisk. Going down is the hardest part though, a steep slope to end our journey. My brother, cousin/s and I would be hopping down like mountain goats and chasing each other until we got home, then we would gulp down tons and tons of water. Every time we go there I feel tranquil and ecstatic. It’s perfect!

By Amber L HG5

My special place is Rangitoto. The once great volcano and now one of the most well known places in New Zealand. On Rangitoto the whole ocean moves with current as you hike your way up to the top. As you move your way up the trail your ears are filled with the sound of nature. Once at the top the sun stops hiding behind the clouds as the wind picks up if you take some time and think, the natural world and everything around you comes into focus you see sights like never before trees swaying and much more.

By Ethan HG5

My turangawaewae is the canal in India. The creek is so clear that it looks like a canal made up of teardrops. As I glide gently through the water I hear  ladies washing their clothes, my sisters splashing and other kids swimming. I feel the wind whispering in my ear old memories from before. As you dip your toes in the water you feel the cold relaxing water. You have a look around, and see the leaves from old trees falling gently down to the water. When the breeze plays with my hair the plants sway side to side. I feel so calm and free. This always will be my special place.

By Meera HG5


Thank you for supporting our term One fundraiser. Chocolate money can be deposited into the PTA bank account or you can return cash in the envelope provided (in  box) with your child’s name and home group and how much money is in the envelope to the PTA box in the office.
If you have unsold chocolates please return them in the box with any cash to the office for the PTA to collect.
Thank you so much for your support.

PTA account number:
With your child’s name and home group and the reference of CHOCS.

To request more chocolates  please email

Winter Sports

Winter sports available in Term 2 and 3

All sports require coaches and/or managers to go ahead. We have a very small handful of parents who are coaching/managing multiple sports and would love new coaches/managers to come forward. We will work together to support you! Get amongst it with your kids ?

Hockey cut off date for registering your child is: Friday, 27th March

Netball cut off date for registering your child is: Monday, 16th March

Rippa Rugby cut off date for registering your child is: Monday, 16th March

Hockey – Year 3/4 or Year 5/6 

Location: North Harbour Hockey Stadium, 60 Paul Matthews Drive, Rosedale, Albany

Day: Monday 

Game Times: Varies, 4:00pm – 8:00pm 

Season Dates: 4th May – 31 August

Game Duration: 30 min 

Price: $95

Netball – Year 0 – 5 (option for Year 6 to play here if preferred) 

Location: Kidzplay Netball, Pinehurst School 

Day: Saturday 

Game Times: Varies, early morning until early afternoon

Season Dates: 9th May – 5th September

Game Duration: 30 min (15 min halves, 2 min halftime)

Price: $67

Netball – Year 6

Location: Netball North Harbour,  Northcote Road  

Day: Wednesday 

Game Times: Varies 4:00pm – 6:30pm

Season Dates: 6 May – 19 August 

Game Duration: 40 min (10 min quarters, 1 min break between quarters/2 min halftime)

Price: $105

Rippa Rugby 3 Day Tournament (in school hours) – Years 3 – 6

Location: Onewa Domain, Northcote Road.

Day: Thursday 

Game Times: Varies, 9.50am – 1.50pm 

Season Dates: Thursdays 7th May, 18th June and 20th August (all saver days are the following Tues)

Game Duration: 18 min

Price: $25 

If interested:

Please go to   

scroll down to the link to SCHOOL/SPORTS PAYMENTS

this will take you to Enrolmy

Login/create a login (if you haven’t already got one)

Click See School Activities

When you click  “Book Activity”  if you have already registered your child for an activity through your enrolmy login, please just select the box of the child you are wanting to enrol.  

Please consider your child’s schedule carefully before booking.  Any refunds will be charged a $5 administration fee unless they can be transferred to another activity.

Any questions please email

Pick Your Preferred Language

Our school website allows you to pick your preferred language. In the top left hand side of the home page, above the school crest, is a drop down Select Language menu. This will translate everything on the website, including the school newsletters and notices into the language of your preference.



The ALPHA experience provides us a place where we can invite friends and family who do not go to church or who question God and faith, or it could be for YOU if you just want a refresh. Participants will enjoy a meal, meet new friends and learn more about faith and God that reveals God personally. There is no charge.Starts Tuesday 3 March, 7pm in the Church Hall… see you and your guests there!! For details contact Engelbert Dsouza; email: Ph. 021 0234 6853 or Deacon Steve Fraser; Ph 021 439 407 email:

Carmel College is seeking a full-time Caretaker Hours of work: 8am to 4.30pm, 35 hours a week, 5 or 4 days a week by negotiation. For a full job description and application form please see the college website

Parish Centenary WE NEED YOUR MEMORIES! The team led by Laurie Davis has made good progress with the booklet to mark the first 100 years of our Parish. An important chapter will be that devoted to memories of earlier days provided by individual parishioners. Already, a small number of you have sent in text and photographs, but we are sure that there are many others who could help us flesh out what those 100 years have meant to us in our everyday lives. If you have a memory to share, or a relevant photograph, email to Laurie at or if you have material you’d like picked up, including photos to be scanned, contact Terry Dunleavy: or phone 0274 836688.

IS ONE OF THESE PHOTOS YOU? Among our archives, we have found photographs of First Holy Communion and Confirmation celebrations of children who received these sacraments at St Josephs. We’d like to include some of these in the Centenary booklet, if the subjects give their permission, and can be identified. We have scanned the photos and posted them to the Centenary Page of our Parish Website. If you’re one of those people, and you have no objection to such publication, please advise Terry Dunleavy ( and also whether we can photograph you as you are now (or supply a preferred current pic that we can scan). (click on PARISH CENTENARY 2019). Parish wesite:

2020-03-02T12:45:31+00:00 2nd March 2020|