Dear Parents
Thank you for joining us last night for our AWESOME Matariki disco. It was a great evening for all the students. They really enjoyed themselves. Thank you to the PTFA for organising this event and to those who supported the PTFA in the evening. Our thanks to the DJs from Carmel College and Kristin School .
At the disco I announced that, thanks to the PTFA, the Board and the parent community… I have been able to sign off the purchase of a new junior playground. Thank you to our families who have supported the many fundraisers over the last few years, which have helped secure the necessary funding to achieve this project. The installation is booked in for Term 4.
Yesterday you received your child’s report and today the bookings for Whanau Meetings opened up on the @school app. If you would like to have a 10 minute chat with your child’s teacher on Monday, 17th July, please book a time through the app.
On that Monday afternoon, Year 2 – 6 students will go to the hall for the afternoon, following their lunch break, which finishes at 1 pm.
Parents are welcome to collect their students any time after 12.00 noon; or following their teacher interview. Parents are also welcome to pick up their children at the normal time of 2.50pm. The bus timetable is as per normal.
Monday 17 July – Signing Out Children Who Depart Prior to 2:50pm
- 12 Noon – 1 pm: Please sign your child out at the office.
- 1 pm – 2.50 pm: Please sign your child out at the hall where your child will be.
Students in Year 0/1 classes (Kiwi) will have their normal day with their teachers. If, however, you are taking their sibling home early, you are welcome to also take home your “Kiwi Kid” early as well.
It has been a GREAT term for the students and staff. Thank you so much for all of the support given for your child’s learning; and for the various trips and events the teams/school have put on.
We look forward to seeing you all in the new term, which begins 8.50 am on Monday, the 17th of July.
Alister Bridgman
The Principal’s Message will cover the following topics:
- Te Reo Maori
- Basketball Registrations
- Student Article: Colour Fun Run
- Reminder: Colour Fun Run Prizes
- Netball Interviews
- sKids Holiday Programme
- Matariki Disco Photos
- Community Notices
As a school we have joined the Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC), which is a non-profit organisation, a professional learning and development pathway focused on changing education outcomes for Māori students.
Basketball registrations for North Harbour Basketball – close Friday 7th July
Years 2-4
Tuesday nights
Starts 5 September for 12 weeks
Times – 3.40-8pm at Eventfinda Stadium
Fee – $90
Years 5/6
Wednesday nights
Starts 6 September for 12 weeks
Times – 3.40-7pm at Eventfinda Stadium
Fee – $90
How to enrol?
Please go to
– scroll down to the link to SCHOOL/SPORTS PAYMENTS
– this will take you to Enrolmy
– Login/create a login (if you haven’t already got one)
– Click “See School Activities”
– When you click ‘Book Activity’ if you have already registered your child for an activity through your enrolmy login, please just select the box of the child you are wanting to enrol.
Please consider your child’s schedule carefully before booking. Any refunds will be charged a $5 administration fee unless they can be transferred to another activity.
Any questions? Please email
Thank you!
Colour Fun Run
Reported by: Aaron, HG1
If you came to school last Friday, you would know what happened. For people who weren’t at school, it was the Colour Fun Run! Kids ran around the school, dressed mostly in cheap white clothes, getting sprayed with colours, it was exciting!
The whole purpose of the Colour Fun Run was to collect money for the new junior playground, by sponsoring children so they would get prizes. The greater the amount of money, the greater the prize! I guess that got many kids motivated to ask people to donate! The sponsorship lasted over a period of weeks and people received an amazing number of donations. Home Group 2 did very well – they got almost $3900. That’s a lot of money!
Parents and the PTFA volunteered to spray the kids different colours, using what looked like baby bottles!
Thanks to sports captains and teachers, the track was ready for the afternoon, and it didn’t rain. It was amazing. It wasn’t a long track and we enjoyed it because we got sprayed on every corner!
Thanks to all the people who donated, we achieved our goal: the new junior playground!
The atmosphere was lively and exciting. Despite the fact that some people slipped and might have fallen in mud, people cheered them on and they kept going.
The colour was made of cornstarch and it was quite stinky and slippery and a person said, “It could get in your mouth and eyes”, which was a fact because I interviewed other students and they said similar things.
Thanks to the PTFA for organising this amazing event!
Here are some quotes from children that were interviewed:
“I liked running through the colours.”
“I liked the exotic colours and the lively people cheering us on!”
“I liked getting sprayed with paint and laughed with friends as we got sprayed!”
Thanks again!

On 26.06.23 some of the year 4 St. Joe’s netball team were interviewed on what we think fair play means. We were filmed at the netball courts by a crew while being interviewed and it will be used for a clip that will go on social media.
We were each asked 3 questions. My first question was: “What do you think fair play is?” Part of my answer was “If you win by cheating you do not win at all”. The next question was: “If you had a magic potion to make fair play, what would it do?” Part of my answer was, “It would make no cheating happen”. The last question was: “What do you do when you win or lose?”. Part of my answer was: “If you win, do not brag; and if you lose, be happy for the other team.”
We were very happy to be asked, and to share our ideas of what fair play is.
Reported by: Elle W, HG11
Please check out the latest community notices which you can find on our school website.